Via Francigena

Monte Sant’Angelo, launch of “MAP – Memorie Audiovisive dei Pellegrini”

Picture of Redazione AEVF
Redazione AEVF

From April, the “MAP – Memorie Audiovisive dei Pellegrini” (audio-visual memories of pilgrims) activities will begin in Monte Sant’Angelo (Gargano, Foggia). It’s a new project created and curated by “MAD – Memorie Audiovisive della Daunia” which will be added to the sphere of historical recovery and conservation, as well as the memories of the Capitanata territory realised by the Foggia production society.

“MAP – Memorie Audiovisive dei Pellegrini”, which will have it’s headquarters in Senso Civico/Monte Sant’Angelo Francigena in via Reale Basilica 76, will be a stable audio-visual safeguard available to pilgrims and walkers, who either passing or on their way to the Basilica di San Michele, ask for a stamp in their Pilgrim Passport of the Via Francigena as proof of their passage through the city of two UNESCO sites.

All pilgrims – both Italian and foreign – will be asked to leave a brief comment at the video station prepared, they will describe their motivations, methods, hopes and destinations of their walk. In this way, the first European archive of people and their voices will be created, with the aim to safeguard pilgrim’s memories and enable them to make a mark on their way, as was the custom in ancient times when they would leave a carving on the Santa Grotta rock. “MAP – Memorie Audiovisive dei Pellegrini” is an initiative realised by “MAD – Memorie Audiovisive della Daunia”, in collaboration with “Mònde – Festa del Cinema sui Cammini”, Monte Sant’Angelo Francigena, Ente Parco Nazionale del Gargano, Associazione Europea delle Vie Francigene and Senso Civico.

Source: press release