Via Francigena

In Corte Sant’Andrea and Orio Litta, Pilgrim Festival – Ultreya! 2019

Picture of Redazione AEVF
Redazione AEVF

The Sigerico Laudense Company has organised the Pilgrim Festival – Ultreya! 2019 for the 14th and 15th September.

The initiative, taking place in Corte Sant’Andrea and Orio Litta, forsees several activities. To begin the festival at 5:00pm on the Saturday will be an inauguration of the “Laudato Si” exhibition at palazzo Zanardi Landi in Guardamiglio (Lo), where sixty artists interpret ‘the care of our common home’ in a large exhibition of contemporary art.

On Sunday 15th September, the celebration will begin at ‘Hospitium Peregrinorum ad Padum’ in Corte Sant’Andrea. at 4:00pm there will be a speech on the Sigerico Laudense Company, then at 5:00pm a celebratory Mass will take place in Chiesa di San Rocco. at 6:00pm, in the Grangia Benedettina of Orio Litta, a free-entry Enerbia di Maddalena Scagnelli concert will take place, who focus on ancient and traditional music. At 8:00pm, guests will enjoy a dinner along the Via Francigena – Pilgrim foods and menu (booking required) with a friendly reception and musical accompiament.

To book dinner, please contact: 339 6595618 – 3332732067 / sito: