Via Francigena

The Via Francigena on horseback: between spirituality, sustainability, and the discovery of the land.

As part of the 2025 Jubilee, on 12th February, Horse Green Experience 2025 – Equiraduno of the Holy Year was presented at the Sala Caduti di Nassirya in the Senate of the Republic. This extraordinary horseback pilgrimage blends spirituality, sustainability, and territorial discovery.

The event was introduced by Senator Gian Marco Centinaio, followed by speeches from Dario Nanni, President of the Special Jubilee 2025 Commission – Rome Capital, Roberto Pella, MP and Vice-President of ANCI, Massimo Guasconi, President of Unioncamere Toscana, and Maurizio Rosellini, President of Final Furlong.

The President of EAVF, Francesco Ferrari, and Director Luca Bruschi also participated.

Pilgrims on horseback to the Eternal City

Organised by Final Furlong in collaboration with Omnia Vatican Rome, the University of Florence – DAGRI, Simtur, and Natura a Cavallo, and with the patronage of the Dicastery for Evangelization, this initiative will take riders along historic pilgrimage routes to the Eternal City, culminating in an audience with Pope Francis. An experience that embodies the theme of the 2025 Jubilee, “Pilgrims of Hope”, inviting reconciliation, reflection, and respect through a long journey that passes through bell towers, villages, and communities, connecting people to the values of land, culture, and faith.

The three pillars of the programme

The “Horse Green Experience” programme, which underpins the concept of the event, is based on three fundamental pillars:

  1. Enhancing natural, cultural, and social heritage: A journey that highlights the scenic and historical beauty of cities, villages, and rural and mountainous areas, promoting sustainable development strategies for local supply chains.
  2. The horse as an ambassador of nature and community connection: The horse represents a symbol of gentle and sustainable mobility, but also of communication, education, and training in the context of responsible tourism.
  3. Sustainable tourism and rural development: A programme that embraces the principles of environmental protection, biodiversity, well-being, and prosperity, aligned with new forms of slow tourism.
Knights and amazons towards St. Peter’s Square

The route of the Holy Year Equiraduno follows three main paths, starting from various regions of Europe and Italy, converging towards Rome: the Romea Germanica, the Romea Strata, the Via Francigena, and the Via Francigena Sud.

The journey will commence on 28th March from various points along the three pilgrimage routes.

Along the way, the different groups of riders will gradually unite, forming an increasingly numerous and solemn procession towards the final destination. On 14th May 2025, the procession of riders from the Horse Green Experience, accompanied by a representation from the national equiraduno of Natura a Cavallo, with over 200 horse-rider pairs, will make its solemn entry into St. Peter’s square in Rome, to participate in an audience with Pope Francis, thus concluding a journey that is not only a physical itinerary but also a journey of faith, history, and encounters with local communities.

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