Via Francigena


Interim management meeting of the cooperation project “Italy, Greece, Turkey on Foot”

On 23 – 24 July 2019 the Via Francigena participated in the interim management meeting of the 12-month  project “Italy, Greece and Turkey on foot“, which took place in a town of Misi, in the vicinity of Turkish Bursa.
The project, led by a Turkish NGO “Culture Routes Society” in partnership with the European Association Via Francigena Ways and Greek “Trace Your Eco“, aims to develop a transnational cultural route of Via Eurasia from Bari to Demre crossing Italy, Albania, Northern Macedonia, Turkey.

The management meeting was focused on governance and Council of Europe cultural routes priority areas – sustainable development, enhancement of memory, youth participation and artistic practices.

Mr Luca Bruschi, the director of the European Association of Via Francigena Ways, presented  best practice examples and their work of extension of the Via to the South.

The Municipality of Nilüfer, the host of the meeting, demonstrated their route development methodology and community based projects along the Mysian Ways.

In the framework of the meeting the EAVF participated in the study visit to discover the Mysian Ways (300km), the route of ancient Mysian civilization, which starts in a picturesque village of Misi and takes you to the Doganci Baraji lake.

During the visit the participants met representatives of associations and volunteers and visited a bakery founded by a local women’s association. The trip ended with an excursion to the museum of exchanged population which exhibits a story of migration in the region.

More information on the topic:

Culture Routes Society: Turkey, Greece & Italy on Foot Project – Bursa Meeting

Municipality of Nilüfer: Türkiye İtalya ve Yunanistan’ın kültür rotaları Nilüfer’de birleşiyor

The project is co-financed by the European Union.


Awaiting ‘I Love Francigena’, inspections concluded

The European Association of the Via Francigena Ways (EAVF) and Fiorenzuola in Movimento have completed their inspections in the Piacenza and Parma areas of ​​the Via Francigena.

The initiative, realised with the support of APT Emilia Romagna, has permitted verification and management of the route, from the Guado del Po to the Passo della Cisa, two landmarks of Sigeric’s route.

“We have verified the status of the route in Emilia Romagna and no particular problems have emerged – explains Sami Tawfik, EAVF project manager – where necessary we intervened by strengthening the adhesive signs. These days were also an opportunity to meet with the tourist information offices and people of the territory dedicated to the development of the Via Francigena”.

“We were really happy and proud of the important task that has been entrusted to us by the EAVF: the signage is a fundamental step of the journey – adds Daniela Ceresa for Fiorenzuola in Motion – It was a wonderful experience that led us to rediscover the places between Piacenza and Fidenza. From one sticker to another we crossed our countryside in full splendour and the town crossed by the route”.

Step by step, between stickers and smiles, volunteers and EAVF staff members met many pilgrims on the road, enthusiastic about the initiative. “These days have allowed us to prepare the ground for the two walks in September which will be followed by a further verification of the route,” adds Tawfik.

On 8th and 15th September the “I Love Francigena in Emilia Romagna” project will be brought to life. The travel event organised by the European Association of the Via Francigena Ways (EAVF), in collaboration with APT Emilia-Romagna, with the technical support of ItinerAria S.r.l. and Fiorenzuola in Movimento, will see the walkers along the Emilia-Romagna stretch of the Francigena. More information on the programme and registration will be announced in the next few days on the website, and

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