Via Francigena


First square dedicated to Sigeric inaugurated in Auchy-au-Bois

In Auchy-au-Bois, a small French municipality of 500 inhabitants located in the Pas-de-Calais department in the Hauts-de-France region, the first square on the Via Francigena dedicated to Sigeric was inaugurated on Saturday 24 June.

It is an important example of how the Via Francigena is increasingly becoming an element of identity and a reminder of the cultural roots among the territories crossed by the European route. Today, a total of 715 municipalities see in Sigeric’s itinerary a uniting fil rouge.

This beautiful square, containing a large green space, a small library to exchange books, a shaded area and benches to rest, therefore becomes a meeting place between local inhabitants and the travellers who arrive on foot from all over the world by following the itinerary.

As Mayor Jean-Francois Del Place mentioned during the opening greeting, this square represents an important symbol for a small village enhanced precisely by the Via Francigena and its international cultural and tourist dimensions.

The square is an important “symbol of renewal for the village of Auchy-au-bois, but also a symbol of modernity, mobility of social inclusion that focuses on the use of public spaces.”

Institutional participation in the event was sustained with speeches by Bertrand Petit, MP for Pas-de-Calais; Olivier Gacquerre, Mayor of Bethune and President of the Agglomeration Béthune-Bruay, Artois-Lys Romane; Amel Gacquerre, Senator for Pas-de-Calais and Regional Councilwoman for Hauts-de-France; and Eddie Bouttera, Sub-Prefect of Bethune. Also present were Didier Depauw, councilor of the Agglomeration Béthune-Bruay, Artois-Lys Romane and Franck Laine, general manager of Bethune.

To testify to the validity of the initiative within the EAVF network, President Massimo Tedeschi, Vice President Martine Gautheron and Director Luca Bruschi attended the ceremony.

Criticalities of the walking path news_en

Interruption of the VFS 6 stage from Sezze to Priverno (Lazio)

An interruption was reported on a section of the Via Francigena in Southern Italy in the municipality of Sezze. Due to repair works to a water conduit coming from the ‘Sardellane’ basin and serving the municipality in question, the latter deemed it necessary to issue Order No 91 of 15 June. It prohibits, as of the following day, pedestrian passage in this section of the Via Francigena coinciding with the works. It has therefore been necessary to temporarily modify the route of the stage in question in order to avoid pilgrims passing through the forbidden section.

➡️ View the temporary GPX track online: click here

➡️ Download the temporary GPX track: click here to download

In order to proceed safely along your route, we recommend downloading the AllTrails App, which contains more than 100,000 hiking trails worldwide, and which offers a discount on the premium version at this time.

The app, thanks to the GPS activity tracker, allows you to receive ‘trails’, i.e., routes in the area where you are hiking, and to select the best option based on the characteristics of the trails and the targeted warnings you receive from other users. In addition, in the premium version, it is possible to download maps to consult them offline.


New pilgrim hostel in Felegara, in the area of Parma

The completion of work on the new hostel on the Via Francigena in the Parma section in Felegara (Medesano) was inaugurated in the presence of the Mayor of Medesano Michele Giovanelli, EAVF’s Vice-President Francesco Ferrari, the President of the Province Andrea Massari and the President of the Emilia-Romagna Region Stefano Bonaccini.

The hospice is dedicated to former President of the European Parliament David Sassoli, who passed away last year.

The facility will be fully operational by the beginning of 2024 and will accommodate 24 beds. The project is part of a package of interventions, explains the Emilia-Romagna Region, which concerns, in addition to the hostel for pilgrims, the redesigning of a small section of the route to make it more accessible and connect it to the cycling path between Medesano and Felegara, already completed, and the renovation of an adjacent Tower House that will become a cultural centre – currently being completed, with works due to be completed by 2023.

The hostel, with a total cost of 1.2 million euro, was financed with 452,000 euro of regional contributions from Por-Fesr funds, over 428,000 euro from the Municipality of Medesano, and additional funds from local companies, the Diocese of Parma and Cariparma.

Mayor Giovanelli expressed words of great satisfaction: “We are grateful to all those who contributed because they share the vision of usefulness of this pilgrim reception to improve accommodation and implement services along the Via Francigena. The recovery of disused buildings and urban regeneration are and will always be at the centre of our administrative activity“.