Via Francigena


Francesco Ferrari takes the helm of the European Association of the Via Francigena ways

The EAVF General Assembly in Fidenza paid warm tribute to the late president Massimo Tedeschi and elected his successor, Francesco Ferrari.

On July 30th, the General Assembly of the European Association of the Via Francigena ways was held in Fidenza, a small town in Emilia-Romgna region situated exactly halfway along the Francigena route and home to the EAVF headquarters. The meeting had a dual purpose: to honor Massimo Tedeschi, who passed away on June 22nd, and to elect the new President of the Association.

In Fidenza, Massimo had a significant political career, serving as the Mayor of his hometown before becoming the President of the European Association of the Via Francigena ways in 2001, the year of its founding. A pragmatic and forward-thinking man, he was able to build an enlightened project based on cooperation between territories, ideas, and people around the concepts of Europe, cultural heritage, and dialogue. The EAVF network, shaped by this visionary idea of Europe, today includes 244 local and regional authorities and 93 friendly associations, collaborating with institutions, local administrations, cultural and religious entities.

The General Assembly opened with a minute of silence and a long round of applause dedicated to Massimo Tedeschi.

Following the national anthems, which honored the individual cultural identities of the four countries traversed by the Via Francigena, Vice President Francesco Ferrari delivered the opening greeting to the Assembly. He recalled his personal experience alongside the late President Tedeschi over the past 23 years. Next, the Mayor of Fidenza, Davide Malvisi, spoke, followed by a video message from Andrea Corsini, the Regional Councillor of Emilia-Romagna.

The tribute to Tedeschi included the screening of the documentary film “Road to Rome”, an event he attended, accompanying all stages of the European journey organised by EAVF in 2021 to celebrate the Association’s 20th anniversary. Before the screening, director Luca Bruschi shared the story of this wonderful journey with the assembly, saying, “Road to Rome allowed EAVF to grow internationally and involve over 700 municipalities. It was an extraordinary experience led by Massimo Tedeschi, a visionary, pragmatic conductor, and lover of Europe”.

The Assembly then moved on to the election of the new EAVF President. The three Vice Presidents, Martine Gautheron, Gaëtan Tornay, and Aldo Patruno, initiated the discussion and debate, with numerous members contributing their input.

Francesco Ferrari was unanimously elected with a long round of applause. “This recognition brings me satisfaction and pride, testament to the great work done in past years. I am, however, aware of the significant work ahead of me, as succeeding such a great and extraordinary President as Massimo Tedeschi is no easy task. I will strive to perform my duties to the best of my abilities, with the utmost spirit of cooperation and dialogue, starting with institutions – municipalities, provinces, and regions – and including associations, essential for animating the VF at a local level. Massimo strongly wished for me to succeed him as President. I am fully aware that this is a challenging legacy, but I am confident that by working together in the spirit of continuity and following the path he laid out, we will honor the legacy we have received”.

At the end of the Assembly, the next meeting with EAVF members and friends was announced, scheduled for October 18th in Monte Sant’Angelo (Foggia, Puglia). Vice President Aldo Patruno presented the program of cultural and animation activities that will take place during this international event.


Signposting in Puglia region: Enhancing the Via Francigena in Southern Italy!

The first inspections of the works in progress for the installation of the signposting have been completed. This action will contribute to enhance the route of the Via Francigena in Southern Italy.

The signposting works in Puglia region, Italy, are being carried out by the Regional Strategic Agency for Sustainable Development of the Territory (ASSET) in collaboration with the Department of Tourism, Cultural Economy, and Territorial Enhancement of the Puglia Region, and with the European Association of the Via Francigena ways (EAVF), which is committed to the realisation of actions for structuring the route through its operational arm, Francigena Service srl.

The project includes the installation of vertical and horizontal signposts and 40 information and welcome panels in Italian and English, as well as the verification of the safety of the route along the entire Apulian route, which crosses more than 50 municipalities. Moreover, thanks to these activities that focus on the development and safety of the route, the ‘restyling’ of signposting in Apulia continues: the first “cippi” (milestones inspired by the Camino de Santiago) were already introduced an year ago (read more here).

This time, the technical inspections and site visits focused on the Via Litoranea section (Manfredonia – Bari), where the “cippi” and directional signage have been installed up to the borders of the municipality of Giovinazzo. The placement of numerous informational and welcome signs has also been verified, with their installation set to take place in the coming weeks.

This project confirms the strong interest of the Puglia Region in making the Via Francigena increasingly safe and accessible, paving the way for significant structural investments not only to ensure the safety of pedestrians and cyclists near the most delicate passages, but also to develop tourism in the areas surrounding Sigeric’s route. The results of this significant project will be presented on October 18 in Monte Sant’Angelo during the AEVF General Assembly.

Small but significant steps toward a more welcoming and continuously evolving Via Francigena in Southern Italy!


A new project for a Via Francigena in Southern Italy accessible to everyone

The project financed by the Italian Ministry of Tourism with 332,500 euros was presented in Lecce, Apulia.

The Salentine municipality of Poggiardo is leading the project for an accessible and inclusive Via Francigena in Southern Italy, funded by the Italian Ministry of Tourism as part of the public notice for the development of the tourist offer of Italian religious paths.

The network of beneficiary municipalities of the project also includes the administrations of Cannole, Giuggianello, Giurdignano, Martano, Palmaraggi, and Tricase in the Lecce area.

The interventions are divided into various project areas along the stretch from Lecce to Santa Maria di Leuca: accessibility of the route (mapping of trails, requalification of the path, first aid kits); information (cartography, census, web platform, videos, QR codes, audio guides, signage); education and communication (workshops, forums, animation).

The two-year project includes interventions not only for people with motor, sensory, or cognitive disabilities, but also for those with autism spectrum disorders, the elderly, and people with particular dietary needs. An important objective is also to raise awareness among local communities and younger generations about these issues, which increasingly need to become part of our cultural background.

The press conference took place last June 6th at the headquarters of the Province of Lecce, in parallel with the Training Academy of Brindisi on Cultural Routes. Participants included provincial councillor and mayor of Martano Fabio Tatantino, mayor of Poggiardo Antonio Ciriolo, director of the European Association of the Via Francigena ways Luca Bruschi, representatives of the “Mollare Mai” (Never Give Up!) association Adriano Bolognese and Salvatore Micolani.

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Retracing Thirty Years of the European Certification of the Via Francigena


The Cultural Routes Program was launched by the Council of Europe in 1987 with the aim of demonstrating, through a journey through space and time, how the cultural heritage and culture of different European countries contribute to creating a shared cultural heritage. The dossier was presented by the then Department of Tourism of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Italian Ministry of Tourism, in agreement with the coordination committee led by the Emilia-Romagna region. The final decision by the Council of Europe was made in April 1994.

The program of celebrations – officially started last March in London with an event dedicated to Sigeric’s Diary – is dense and rich with initiatives involving the entire European route, from England to Puglia!

To celebrate this splendid anniversary, the European Association of the Via Francigena has also created a new section on the website

This is a space to tell the story of the Via Francigena of yesterday, today, and tomorrow, which includes a timeline retracing the last thirty years of the Via Francigena’s history, an events calendar, and a collection of thoughts, testimonies, and reflections on the Via Francigena.

Finally, the creation of this new space is accompanied by the launch of the initiative “For me the Via Francigena is…”, aimed at collecting the individual testimonies of all Via Francigena enthusiasts through short videos. Click here to find out how to send us yours!


Call for Influencers for our hikes in Puglia

The European Association of the Via Francigena ways is looking for 2 influencers/bloggers to document two hiking events that will take place from 12 to 15 September 2024 from Bari to Monopoli, and from 27 to 29 September 2024 from Torre Canne (Fasano) to Brindisi. The hikes are organized as part of the  Erasmus+ HIKE project, in collaboration with international partners such as Paths of Greece and Turkish Culture Routes Society The project aims to promote healthy lifestyles through outdoor activities that encourage a slow-paced exploration of the area.

During the two weekends, the 6 daily hikes will be interspersed with workshops, activities, and labs focused on physical activity and hiking safety. Each hike will involve 25 participants per day. The arrival in Brindisi will also coincide with the European Week of Sport celebrations.

The details in Italian are available here

If this initiative interests you, here are all the details:

Participation Period:

One weekend of your choice between:

  • 12-15 September 2024 (from Bari to Monopoli)
  • 27-29 September 2024 (from Torre Canne to Brindisi)

What We Ask:

Before the Event:

  • 1 post and a minimum of 5 Instagram stories announcing your participation in the event, giving visibility to the technical materials of our partners, according to the instructions and tags agreed upon with AEVF.

During the Event:

  • A minimum of 10 Instagram stories per day on your profile.
  • 1 post on one of your social media channels for each day of the hike, according to the tags and instructions provided by the AEVF staff.

After the Event:

  • 1 co-reel for Instagram.
  • If you have a blog: 1 final article on your blog with a link to our site.
  • If you have a YouTube channel: a short final video recounting the experience.
  • If you do not have a blog or a YouTube channel, we can host a guest post written by you on our website.
  • Share with us 30 high-resolution photos.

What You Will Receive from AEVF:

  • A comprehensive fee of €1,000 gross (all taxes included), which includes travel costs to and from the starting point and returning home after the event.
  • Accommodations and meals are covered by the organizers.
  • Our partners kindly provided technical materials: a Ferrino backpack, a pair of Garmont shoes, and a CAMCO technical shirt.
  • Visibility on AEVF social media channels (Instagram +31.4K followers, Facebook +74K followers).

How to Apply:

Send us your application by Monday, August 5, to the email address including:

  • Email subject: Influencer application “HIKE Puglia” indicating which weekend you prefer.
  • Your portfolio/media kit listing your social media channels, blog, website, YouTube channel.
  • A brief motivational letter (1 page maximum).

For more details about the HIKE project, please consult this link

If you want to participate in hikes in Greece in October and in Türkiye in November 2024, follow the news on the project website or contact the team via email.


Training Academy on European cultural routes: an opportunity to meet EAVF Partners in Brindisi

From June 4 to 7, AEVF, together with the Council of Europe and the European Institute of Cultural Routes, organized the Training Academy on Cultural Routes in Brindisi.  

This exchange event involved a record number of 100 representatives from 37 Council of Europe routes from 22 countries. This year’s event focused on cooperation and sustainability. The academy was part of the celebrations for the Via Francigena, which in 2024 will mark its 30th anniversary of European certification. The event saw the active participation of some long-time partners who share our Association’s vision and values. In addition to the EAVF staff, attendees included Giorgio Rabajoli, Sales Director Italy of Ferrino, Marco Zucchetti, Head of Press Office of FlixBus, and Matteo Corrado, Founder of CAMCO

“The transition towards new travel models, more conscious and respectful of the environment and communities, is a unique opportunity to seize and a journey to undertake together” – commented Marco Zucchetti. “Through targeted synergies and ongoing dialogue, organizations and associations, both public and private, can drive this change and alter the way people connect with places. The very concept of tourism as we knew it, an ephemeral and self-contained experience, is giving way to a new need for authenticity and deep contact with the territory. It is up to us now to network and determine how to best respond to this need.” Sustainability in the choice of transport to reach the first stage of the Francigena or return home after the journey is no less important than the ethical and conscious purchase of technical equipment and clothing. “I noticed a great interest in the story of a small brand that attempts to offer a few products that, but also curiosity about the materials used, and especially regarding merino wool and the importance of it being mulesing-free – explained Matteo Corrado – The practice of mulesing is not known to the vast majority of people, and when explaining why it is an important ethical choice, aimed at animal welfare, it always attracts significant attention. The event, during the short time I attended, impressed me greatly. This was due to the charming location in the historic center of Brindisi, the topics discussed, and the clear sense of positivity and participation”. 

During the Training Academy, the European HIKE project, in which EAVF participates along with international partners Culture Routes Society  – a Turkish non-profit organization managing over 20 local and international trekking routes – and Paths of Greece – a social cooperative enterprise dedicated to promoting Greek cultural heritage and environmental conservation through hiking trails- was officially presented. The project’s schedule includes six free hikes in Puglia along the Francigena route connecting Bari to Brindisi, with details available on the official website at this link

The event would not have been possible without the logistics organization by the association “Brindisi e Antiche Strade” and contributions from the Puglia Region and the municipality of Brindisi


The Via Francigena Confirmed as a Cultural Route of the Council of Europe

The Via Francigena has been confirmed as a Cultural Route of the Council of Europe.

The Executive Secretary of the Governing Board of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, Stefano Dominioni, recently sent the official communication to the EAVF.

This news confirms the significant work that the European network of the Via Francigena is doing at the international level for the promotion, enhancement, and protection of the European route. 2024 is a special year as the Via Francigena celebrates the thirtieth anniversary of its certification by the Council of Europe, which took place in 1994.

The Via Francigena is thus reaffirmed as a “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” following the four-yearly evaluation of compliance with the criteria of Resolution CM/res (2013)67. It also confirms the accreditation of the European Association of the Via Francigena ways (EAVF) as the managing body of the Via Francigena, highlighting the uniqueness and exclusivity of the European network, which today involves 243 local member entities in four countries and 92 volunteer associations that animate the route on a local or regional scale.

The result achieved underscores the great seriousness with which the Via Francigena network is working in the four countries it crosses – the United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Italy. The confirmation of the certification also gives an important boost to the institutional and technical process for advancing the UNESCO dossier, led by the Tuscany Region”, said Vice President Francesco Ferrari.

The “Evaluation Report” was drafted by Professor Maria Gravari Barbas of the Pantheon-Sorbonne University in Paris and makes recommendations that AEVF will seek to address as best as possible.

Both the dossier prepared by EAVF and the evaluation report of the Council of Europe are available to EAVF members and friends.


Jubilee 2025: Green Light from the Rome City Council for the Pilgrims’ Paths Redevelopment Project


Rome, 28 June 2024 – The Rome City Council has approved the redevelopment project for the Pilgrims’ Paths, included in the essential and urgent interventions programme for the Jubilee.

The Jubilee Society (Società Giubileo Spa) will implement a total investment of 3 million euros aimed at establishing an integrated network of the existing paths. The interventions will focus on the entrance routes to Rome of the Northern Via Francigena, the Path of Saint Francis, and the Southern Via Francigena, which will welcome many of the expected 30 to 35 million pilgrims arriving in the capital for 2025.

Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance works will be carried out on the current urban sections, addressing horizontal signage and signposting, identifying possible rest areas, refurbishing deterrents and various types of barriers along the paths and in parks. Additionally, streets will be upgraded, urban furniture will be renovated, pavements and trails in parks will be improved, including maintenance of greenery and hydrogeological measures (creating drainage systems). There will also be work on the panoramic route of the 5 km cycle path connecting Monte Mario and Valle Aurelia/Monte Ciocci, where construction has started recently on the section to St. Peter’s.

“We are working on cycle-pedestrian paths, new furnishings, maintenance of trails and park greenery to upgrade and enhance the network of spiritual paths leading to Rome,” explained Mayor Roberto Gualtieri. “Enchanting atmospheres, breathtaking landscapes, and high-quality services will welcome the many people who wish to reach St. Peter’s and the city on foot or by bicycle for the next Jubilee.”

“We are starting a project that will affect many pilgrims,” added the City Councillor for the Environment, Sabrina Alfonsi, “and will restore an extraordinary heritage of paths and routes involving beautiful places and parks like the Via Francigena, the Insugherata Reserve, Monte Ciocci, and historic streets and squares of the city leading to St. Peter’s. A valuable task,” concluded the councillor, “which we will accomplish quickly thanks to dedicated funds and the on-field commitment of the Jubilee Society Spa.”

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