Via Francigena

In 2024 the Via Francigena celebrates its 30th birthday

as Cultural Route of the Council of Europe

30 years of the Via Francigena

The Via Francigena is a road of history, a road of culture, a “bridge between Anglo-Saxon and Latin Europe”, according to Jacques Le Goff’s definition; a crucial communication channel for the creation of a culturally united European. In 1987, the Council of Europe launched the Cultural Routes Programme. The Via Francigena represented, and still represents today, a “complex cultural asset” that helps to build a Europe of peoples and cultures and thus advocate the European humanist values of peace, freedom, democracy and respect for human rights.

The Via Francigena was recognised as a “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” in 1994. 2024 is therefore the year of celebrations for the 30th anniversary of the certification, a year in which we reflect on the journey made so far and on the future. In these thirty years the world has changed, but the Via Francigena responds well to the signs of change: it is sustainable, it connects people and local communities, it enhances the cultural heritage, it generates economy, it encourages dialogue. The celebrations of the 30th anniversary aim to represent the various facets that make the Via Francigena a perfect synthesis of many different souls, which combine to create one great cultural, social, sustainable tourism and peace project.

Click on the buttons below to discover the activities related to the celebrations

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary celebrations of the certification of the Via Francigena as a ‘Cultural Route of the Council of Europe’, EAVF presents a timeline that highlights the main moments that have marked the evolution of the Via Francigena and the European Association over the last thirty years.


Certificazione Via Francigena

The Via Francigena is certified as a Cultural Route of the Council of Europe.

4 May 1994
7 April 2001
Fondazione ACIVF

The Association of Italian Municipalities on the Via Francigena is founded in Fidenza (Parma, Emilia-Romagna) with 34 founding members.

Incontro Massimo Tedeschi e Jacques Le Goff

EAVF’s President Massimo Tedeschi meets, in Paris, the medievalist Jacques Le Goff, who defines the Via Francigena as follows:


Today we realise, if we consider reality and look carefully at history, that there is something more important than soldiers and goods passing along the roads; this something is cultures. Here we have the Via Francigena, which I think can be seen as, essentially, a route between cultures. If one is trying to build an economic Europe, it is just as necessary to build a Europe of cultures; I use the term cultures, in the plural, on purpose. Committing oneself to giving the Via Francigena a European dimension and value means committing oneself to the realisation of a Europe of cultures.

12 March 2004
9 December 2004
Certificazione Via Francigena

The Via Francigena is certified as a Great Cultural Route of the Council of Europe. The ceremony takes place in Wroclaw, Poland.

Rivista Via Francigena

First issue of the magazine 'Via Francigena and the European cultural routes', published by Studio Guidotti from Fornovo di Taro (Parma, Emilia-Romagna). The first issue is presented in Oropa (Biella, Piedmont), on the occasion of the Market for Devotional and Cultural Routes.

25 July 2005
24 September 2005
Nasce AEVF

General Assembly in Montefiascone (Viterbo, Latium). The Association of Italian Municipalities on the Via Francigena becomes European: the European Association of the Via Francigena ways (EAVF) is born. The redesign of the logo is approved, now distinguished by the colour blue on the right-hand side of the image, punctuated by the golden stars that recall the symbol of Europe.

Canterbury diventa socio AEVF

General Assembly in Piacenza (Emilia-Romagna). The city of Canterbury, the first non-Italian municipality, becomes an EAVF member.

22 April 2006
April-May 2006
Marcia celebrativa Guardie Svizzere

March celebrating 500 years of the Pontifical Swiss Guard: former Swiss Guards march from Switzerland to Rome along the Via Francigena.

Inaugurazione targa VF a Canterbury

Inauguration of the Via Francigena km 0 plaque in Canterbury (Kent, UK), in front of the city's Cathedral.

27 November 2006
9 February 2007
AEVF diventa réseau porteur

Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin, Grand Est). The EAVF is recognised by the Council of Europe as réseau porteur, the sole entity responsible for and leader of the Via Francigena territorial tourism development project.

Inaugurazione primi cartelli pedonali

Monteriggioni (Siena, Tuscany). Inauguration of the first pedestrian signs along the Via Francigena. Participants: Romano Prodi, Italian Prime Minister, Francesco Rutelli, Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Cultural Heritage and Activities.

29 October 2007
December 2007
Fondazione l’Association Via Francigena France

The Association Via Francigena France is founded, an association of volunteers committed, in close collaboration with the EAVF, to the development of the Via Francigena in France.

Regione Toscana capofila

The Tuscany Region takes on the role of leader of the Italian Regions on the inter-regional tourism development project "Via Francigena" in accordance with Law 135/01. Among the planned activities: development of a reference model for the definition, promotion, and marketing of the "Via Francigena" tourism product.

7 December 2007
18 December 2008
Accordo di Valorizzazione Via Francigena

Rome. Via Francigena Enhancement Agreement, signed between the Direzione Beni Librari, Istituti Culturali and Copyright of the MiBAC and the EAVF. The EAVF is recognised as privileged interlocutor of the various operational levels of the valorisation programme of the Historical, Cultural and Religious Itineraries. The protocol will be renewed in 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2014.

Validazione del tracciato italiano

The procedure for the official validation of the route of the Via Francigena was concluded with the joint signature of the Minister for Cultural Heritage and Activities, Sandro Bondi, and the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies, Luca Zaia.
The initiative took place within the framework of the project for the valorisation of historical, cultural and religious itineraries implemented by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities.

11 November 2009
27 September 2010
Giornata Europea del Turismo

Brussels. European Tourism Day, announced by the European Commission in collaboration with the Council of Europe and the European Parliament. Organised by European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani, the event focuses on the Via Francigena and the Council of Europe's cultural routes. The EAVF presents the panels 'From Canterbury to Rome: 1800 Km across Europe'.

Accordo Parziale Allargato

Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin, Grand Est). The Enlarged Partial Agreement (EPA) is established under Resolution (2010) 53 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

8 December 2010
13 December 2010
Civic Award Massimo Tedeschi

President Massimo Tedeschi receives the Civic Award in Canterbury with the following motivation: 'It is thanks to his extraordinary commitment to the revival of the Via Francigena and for securing Canterbury a leading position in the development and promotion of the Via Francigena that the City confers honorary citizenship on Massimo Tedeschi'.

Via Francigena case study

Luxembourg. Presentation of the study on the impacts of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe on innovation and competitiveness of European small and medium-sized enterprises. The Via Francigena is one of the five case studies presented.

28 March 2011
June-September 2011
Via Francigena Collective Project

First edition of the 'Via Francigena Collective Project' Festival, coordinated by the EAVF in the four countries of the Via Francigena.

Parte il progetto europeo PER VIAM

Beginning of the European project PER VIAM - Pilgrims' Routes in Action (12 months). It is the first project managed by the EAVF as lead partner.

1 March 2012
7-10 May 2012
Giornata europea degli Itinerari culturali

Pavia (Lombardy). European Day of Cultural Routes. The event, supported by the European Commission and the Council of Europe, focuses on the theme of cultural routes. The city of Pavia is at the crossroads of three pilgrims' routes: the Via Francigena, the Saint Martin de Tours European Route, and the Saint Augustine's Way.

Nasce il CECTI

The CECTI (European Interregional Technical Coordination Committee on the Via Francigena) is founded, a working space between the EAVF and the Italian Regions crossed by the Via Francigena, to address issues concerning the route, safety, and communication. First meeting in Florence (Tuscany), at the Fortezza da Basso.

18 May 2012
21 June 2014
Inaugurazione del percorso in Regione Toscana

Official inauguration of the Via Francigena route in the Tuscany Region with Dario Franceschini, Ministry of Culture, and the President of Tuscany Region, Enrico Rossi.

Pellegrino giallo diventa simbolo ufficiale

The EAVF acquires ownership of the 'pilgrim figure', logo of the EAVF and the Via Francigena, from the Province of Parma.

4 May 2015
12 June 2015
Avvio procedura di riconoscimento UNESCO

Fidenza. Meeting called by the mayors of Fidenza (Parma, Emilia-Romagna) and Monteriggioni (Siena, Tuscany) to start the procedure for the UNESCO recognition of the Via Francigena. Fifty municipalities and the MiBAC, the Italian Ministry of Culture, participate.

Costituzione Comitato scientifico internazionale

Monteriggioni (Siena, Tuscany). The EAVF International Scientific Committee is established. The network deals with research work - with specific focus on the Via Francigena.

29 January 2016
28-30 April 2016
AEVF celebra i suoi primi 15 anni

Conference 'Via Francigena, Via di Pace' on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the EAVF (Piacenza and Fidenza offices).

Presentazione guida ufficiale

Rome. The first official guide to the Italian section of the Via Francigena is presented at the ENIT headquarters, “La Via Francigena. 1000 km on foot from Gran San Bernardo to Rome" published by Terre di Mezzo (Milan, Lombardy).

26 July 2016
17 September 2016
Protocollo tra AEVF e Comune di Champlitte

Aigle (Vaud, Switzerland). The EAVF General Assembly ratifies the protocol between the EAVF and the municipality of Champlitte (Haute-Saône, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, FR) for the enhancement and promotion of the Via Francigena in France.

Protocollo d'intesa - certificazione unesco

San Miniato (Pisa, Tuscany). Memorandum of Understanding between the seven Regions of the Italian section of the Via Francigena - Valle d'Aosta, Piedmont, Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Liguria, Tuscany, Lazio - to undertake the process for the UNESCO certification of the Via. The EAVF is in charge of drafting the Feasibility Study for the candidacy dossier.

3 April 2017
29 May 2017
Costituzione Francigena Service Srl

Pavia (Lombardy). At the General Assembly, Francigena Service S.r.l., a 100% subsidiary of the EAVF, is established. Francigena Service is the operational arm of the association to develop economic, project, training, and consulting activities.

APP Ufficiale Via Francigena

The official Via Francigena App is launched.

1 January 2018
14 September 2018
Accordo tra AEVF e FFRP

Paris. An agreement is signed between the EAVF and the Fédération Française de la randonnée pédestre (FFRP) for the enhancement of the Via Francigena route in France - GR 145.

Via Francigena nel Sud

Bari (Apulia). At the General Assembly, the extension of the Via Francigena in Southern Italy, from Rome to Santa Maria di Leuca, is approved. The route touches the regions of Latium, Campania, Molise, Basilicata, and Apulia and brings the European itinerary to 3,200 km.

18 October 2019
24 January 2019
Unesco tentative list

The Via Francigena is included in the Italian UNESCO tentative list on the basis of the preliminary thematic study (framework) of the Via Francigena from Canterbury (Kent, UK) to Rome, containing 530 cultural heritage sites of potential UNESCO importance.

Prima guida in francese

The guidebook 'Canterbury-Colle del Gran San Bernardo' is published in French, edited by the Swiss publisher Favre and produced in collaboration with the EAVF.

15 March 2020
31 July 2020
Accordo Cicerone Press

Agreement between the EAVF and Cicerone Press (Kendal, Cumbria, UK) for the publication of a guidebook, in English, in three volumes: Canterbury-Lausanne, Lausanne-Lucca, Lucca-Rome.

Primo piano strategico AEVF

Definition of the first three-year EAVF Strategic Plan 2020-2022.

15 June 2021
Road to Rome 2021

Launch of the event Via Francigena - Road to Rome 2021. Start again! To celebrate the EAVF's 20th anniversary, a journey-event is organised to travel the entire Via Francigena and meet the 715 municipalities along the route. The event ends in Santa Maria di Leuca on 18 October 2021.

Accordo tra le tre vie romee

Signing of the cooperation agreement between the three major Vie Romee: Via Francigena, Via Romea Strata, and Via Romea Germanica.

11 September 2021
5 May 2022
Fondazione ASVF

The Swiss Via Francigena Association (ASVF) is founded in Aigle (Vaud, Switzerland).

Firma Memorandum Cammino di Santiago

Memorandum of Understanding with the European Federation of the Camino de Santiago is signed, and membership in the European Cooperation Network.

6 November 2023
1 March 2024
British Library

Ceremony at the British Library in London to celebrate 30 years of European certification of the Via Francigena. The library holds Sigeric's diary, the historical basis of the modern Via Francigena.

Certificazione Via Francigena
  • 4 May 1994

The Via Francigena is certified as a Cultural Route of the Council of Europe.

4 May 1994
7 April 2001
Fondazione ACIVF
  • 7 April 2001

The Association of Italian Municipalities on the Via Francigena is founded in Fidenza (Parma, Emilia-Romagna) with 34 founding members.

Incontro Massimo Tedeschi e Jacques Le Goff
  • 12 March 2004

EAVF’s President Massimo Tedeschi meets, in Paris, the medievalist Jacques Le Goff, who defines the Via Francigena as follows:


Today we realise, if we consider reality and look carefully at history, that there is something more important than soldiers and goods passing along the roads; this something is cultures. Here we have the Via Francigena, which I think can be seen as, essentially, a route between cultures. If one is trying to build an economic Europe, it is just as necessary to build a Europe of cultures; I use the term cultures, in the plural, on purpose. Committing oneself to giving the Via Francigena a European dimension and value means committing oneself to the realisation of a Europe of cultures.

12 March 2004
9 December 2004
Certificazione Via Francigena
  • 9 December 2004

The Via Francigena is certified as a Great Cultural Route of the Council of Europe. The ceremony takes place in Wroclaw, Poland.

Rivista Via Francigena
  • 25 July 2005

First issue of the magazine 'Via Francigena and the European cultural routes', published by Studio Guidotti from Fornovo di Taro (Parma, Emilia-Romagna). The first issue is presented in Oropa (Biella, Piedmont), on the occasion of the Market for Devotional and Cultural Routes.

25 July 2005
24 September 2005
Nasce AEVF
  • 24 September 2005

General Assembly in Montefiascone (Viterbo, Latium). The Association of Italian Municipalities on the Via Francigena becomes European: the European Association of the Via Francigena ways (EAVF) is born. The redesign of the logo is approved, now distinguished by the colour blue on the right-hand side of the image, punctuated by the golden stars that recall the symbol of Europe.

Canterbury diventa socio AEVF
  • 22 April 2006

General Assembly in Piacenza (Emilia-Romagna). The city of Canterbury, the first non-Italian municipality, becomes an EAVF member.

22 April 2006
April-May 2006
Marcia celebrativa Guardie Svizzere
  • April-May 2006

March celebrating 500 years of the Pontifical Swiss Guard: former Swiss Guards march from Switzerland to Rome along the Via Francigena.

Inaugurazione targa VF a Canterbury
  • 27 November 2006

Inauguration of the Via Francigena km 0 plaque in Canterbury (Kent, UK), in front of the city's Cathedral.

27 November 2006
9 February 2007
AEVF diventa réseau porteur
  • 9 February 2007

Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin, Grand Est). The EAVF is recognised by the Council of Europe as réseau porteur, the sole entity responsible for and leader of the Via Francigena territorial tourism development project.

Inaugurazione primi cartelli pedonali
  • 29 October 2007

Monteriggioni (Siena, Tuscany). Inauguration of the first pedestrian signs along the Via Francigena. Participants: Romano Prodi, Italian Prime Minister, Francesco Rutelli, Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Cultural Heritage and Activities.

29 October 2007
December 2007
Fondazione l’Association Via Francigena France
  • December 2007

The Association Via Francigena France is founded, an association of volunteers committed, in close collaboration with the EAVF, to the development of the Via Francigena in France.

Regione Toscana capofila
  • 7 December 2007

The Tuscany Region takes on the role of leader of the Italian Regions on the inter-regional tourism development project "Via Francigena" in accordance with Law 135/01. Among the planned activities: development of a reference model for the definition, promotion, and marketing of the "Via Francigena" tourism product.

7 December 2007
18 December 2008
Accordo di Valorizzazione Via Francigena
  • 18 December 2008

Rome. Via Francigena Enhancement Agreement, signed between the Direzione Beni Librari, Istituti Culturali and Copyright of the MiBAC and the EAVF. The EAVF is recognised as privileged interlocutor of the various operational levels of the valorisation programme of the Historical, Cultural and Religious Itineraries. The protocol will be renewed in 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2014.

Validazione del tracciato italiano
  • 11 November 2009

The procedure for the official validation of the route of the Via Francigena was concluded with the joint signature of the Minister for Cultural Heritage and Activities, Sandro Bondi, and the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies, Luca Zaia.
The initiative took place within the framework of the project for the valorisation of historical, cultural and religious itineraries implemented by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities.

11 November 2009
27 September 2010
Giornata Europea del Turismo
  • 27 September 2010

Brussels. European Tourism Day, announced by the European Commission in collaboration with the Council of Europe and the European Parliament. Organised by European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani, the event focuses on the Via Francigena and the Council of Europe's cultural routes. The EAVF presents the panels 'From Canterbury to Rome: 1800 Km across Europe'.

Accordo Parziale Allargato
  • 8 December 2010

Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin, Grand Est). The Enlarged Partial Agreement (EPA) is established under Resolution (2010) 53 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

8 December 2010
13 December 2010
Civic Award Massimo Tedeschi
  • 13 December 2010

President Massimo Tedeschi receives the Civic Award in Canterbury with the following motivation: 'It is thanks to his extraordinary commitment to the revival of the Via Francigena and for securing Canterbury a leading position in the development and promotion of the Via Francigena that the City confers honorary citizenship on Massimo Tedeschi'.

Via Francigena case study
  • 28 March 2011

Luxembourg. Presentation of the study on the impacts of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe on innovation and competitiveness of European small and medium-sized enterprises. The Via Francigena is one of the five case studies presented.

28 March 2011
June-September 2011
Via Francigena Collective Project
  • June-September 2011

First edition of the 'Via Francigena Collective Project' Festival, coordinated by the EAVF in the four countries of the Via Francigena.

Parte il progetto europeo PER VIAM
  • 1 March 2012

Beginning of the European project PER VIAM - Pilgrims' Routes in Action (12 months). It is the first project managed by the EAVF as lead partner.

1 March 2012
7-10 May 2012
Giornata europea degli Itinerari culturali
  • 7-10 May 2012

Pavia (Lombardy). European Day of Cultural Routes. The event, supported by the European Commission and the Council of Europe, focuses on the theme of cultural routes. The city of Pavia is at the crossroads of three pilgrims' routes: the Via Francigena, the Saint Martin de Tours European Route, and the Saint Augustine's Way.

Nasce il CECTI
  • 18 May 2012

The CECTI (European Interregional Technical Coordination Committee on the Via Francigena) is founded, a working space between the EAVF and the Italian Regions crossed by the Via Francigena, to address issues concerning the route, safety, and communication. First meeting in Florence (Tuscany), at the Fortezza da Basso.

18 May 2012
21 June 2014
Inaugurazione del percorso in Regione Toscana
  • 21 June 2014

Official inauguration of the Via Francigena route in the Tuscany Region with Dario Franceschini, Ministry of Culture, and the President of Tuscany Region, Enrico Rossi.

Pellegrino giallo diventa simbolo ufficiale
  • 4 May 2015

The EAVF acquires ownership of the 'pilgrim figure', logo of the EAVF and the Via Francigena, from the Province of Parma.

4 May 2015
12 June 2015
Avvio procedura di riconoscimento UNESCO
  • 12 June 2015

Fidenza. Meeting called by the mayors of Fidenza (Parma, Emilia-Romagna) and Monteriggioni (Siena, Tuscany) to start the procedure for the UNESCO recognition of the Via Francigena. Fifty municipalities and the MiBAC, the Italian Ministry of Culture, participate.

Costituzione Comitato scientifico internazionale
  • 29 January 2016

Monteriggioni (Siena, Tuscany). The EAVF International Scientific Committee is established. The network deals with research work - with specific focus on the Via Francigena.

29 January 2016
28-30 April 2016
AEVF celebra i suoi primi 15 anni
  • 28-30 April 2016

Conference 'Via Francigena, Via di Pace' on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the EAVF (Piacenza and Fidenza offices).

Presentazione guida ufficiale
  • 26 July 2016

Rome. The first official guide to the Italian section of the Via Francigena is presented at the ENIT headquarters, “La Via Francigena. 1000 km on foot from Gran San Bernardo to Rome" published by Terre di Mezzo (Milan, Lombardy).

26 July 2016
17 September 2016
Protocollo tra AEVF e Comune di Champlitte
  • 17 September 2016

Aigle (Vaud, Switzerland). The EAVF General Assembly ratifies the protocol between the EAVF and the municipality of Champlitte (Haute-Saône, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, FR) for the enhancement and promotion of the Via Francigena in France.

Protocollo d'intesa - certificazione unesco
  • 3 April 2017

San Miniato (Pisa, Tuscany). Memorandum of Understanding between the seven Regions of the Italian section of the Via Francigena - Valle d'Aosta, Piedmont, Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Liguria, Tuscany, Lazio - to undertake the process for the UNESCO certification of the Via. The EAVF is in charge of drafting the Feasibility Study for the candidacy dossier.

3 April 2017
29 May 2017
Costituzione Francigena Service Srl
  • 29 May 2017

Pavia (Lombardy). At the General Assembly, Francigena Service S.r.l., a 100% subsidiary of the EAVF, is established. Francigena Service is the operational arm of the association to develop economic, project, training, and consulting activities.

APP Ufficiale Via Francigena
  • 1 January 2018

The official Via Francigena App is launched.

1 January 2018
14 September 2018
Accordo tra AEVF e FFRP
  • 14 September 2018

Paris. An agreement is signed between the EAVF and the Fédération Française de la randonnée pédestre (FFRP) for the enhancement of the Via Francigena route in France - GR 145.

Via Francigena nel Sud
  • 18 October 2019

Bari (Apulia). At the General Assembly, the extension of the Via Francigena in Southern Italy, from Rome to Santa Maria di Leuca, is approved. The route touches the regions of Latium, Campania, Molise, Basilicata, and Apulia and brings the European itinerary to 3,200 km.

18 October 2019
24 January 2019
Unesco tentative list
  • 24 January 2019

The Via Francigena is included in the Italian UNESCO tentative list on the basis of the preliminary thematic study (framework) of the Via Francigena from Canterbury (Kent, UK) to Rome, containing 530 cultural heritage sites of potential UNESCO importance.

Prima guida in francese
  • 15 March 2020

The guidebook 'Canterbury-Colle del Gran San Bernardo' is published in French, edited by the Swiss publisher Favre and produced in collaboration with the EAVF.

15 March 2020
31 July 2020
Accordo Cicerone Press
  • 31 July 2020

Agreement between the EAVF and Cicerone Press (Kendal, Cumbria, UK) for the publication of a guidebook, in English, in three volumes: Canterbury-Lausanne, Lausanne-Lucca, Lucca-Rome.

Primo piano strategico AEVF
  • 2020-2022

Definition of the first three-year EAVF Strategic Plan 2020-2022.

15 June 2021
Road to Rome 2021
  • 15 June 2021

Launch of the event Via Francigena - Road to Rome 2021. Start again! To celebrate the EAVF's 20th anniversary, a journey-event is organised to travel the entire Via Francigena and meet the 715 municipalities along the route. The event ends in Santa Maria di Leuca on 18 October 2021.

Accordo tra le tre vie romee
  • 11 September 2021

Signing of the cooperation agreement between the three major Vie Romee: Via Francigena, Via Romea Strata, and Via Romea Germanica.

11 September 2021
5 May 2022
Fondazione ASVF
  • 5 May 2022

The Swiss Via Francigena Association (ASVF) is founded in Aigle (Vaud, Switzerland).

Firma Memorandum Cammino di Santiago
  • 6 November 2023

Memorandum of Understanding with the European Federation of the Camino de Santiago is signed, and membership in the European Cooperation Network.

6 November 2023
1 March 2024
British Library
  • 1 March 2024

Ceremony at the British Library in London to celebrate 30 years of European certification of the Via Francigena. The library holds Sigeric's diary, the historical basis of the modern Via Francigena.

This page retraces the history of the Via Francigena, and at the same time it delves into the activities of the European Association of the Via Francigena ways, through the testimonies of some of the protagonists who have contributed to the success and evolution of the European Itinerary over the last thirty years. These written contributions, presented in their own mothertongue, come from all areas of activity related to the Via Francigena: politics, religion, administration, culture, associationism, business, sustainability.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the certification of the Via Francigena as a ‘Cultural Route of the Council of Europe’, EAVF hereby presents the events that will mark the anniversary celebrations.

For me the Via Francigena is...

Which word would you use to finish the sentence above? Let us know with a video!

We are collecting testimonials from all Via Francigena lovers: would you like to take part?

Participating is very simple, just send us a video of maximum 5 seconds in which you say what the Francigena means to you in one word in your mothertongue.

Technical details:
– Vertical video in 9:16 format
– Video duration: maximum 5 seconds
– Maximum size of video file: 10MB
– File format: MP4

The videos we receive will be published on our Via Francigena Instagram and Facebook profiles.

Send us your video

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