Via Francigena

Road to Rome Ambassadors

The incredible team of Road to Rome Ambassadors, walking and cycling along the entire Via Francigena, crossing 3.200km in England, France, Switzerland and Italy. A fantastic mix of never-ending energy, curiosity, wanderlust and passion for adventures, transmitting their Via Francigena stories to the entire world!


24 Hours Trotter _ Mariarita

Tireless traveler but also a great lover of her territory and the sea. In her spare time she cooks risotto, discovers new paths, writes and plans the next trip.

Animerranti _ Annalisa

As a lover of walking routes, hikes and adventures, she founded the Association ANIMERRANTI, with which she organizes walking tours, hikes, excursions and outdoor activities.

Arianna Izzi

Writer and Nature & Travel Photographer always on the move. From Abruzzo with love. Read me on

BeBorghi _ Valentina

Professional Travel Blogger since 2015, I write about 360° trips: from my city (Milan) to the most remote places on the planet. I love volcanoes (and all of nature) and photography.

Berlin & Around _ Marguerite

Avid traveller, blogger and business owner, she founded Berlin & Around to help others explore the world off the beaten path.

Ciclowine _ Augusto e Chiara

Our passions for wine, history and cycling led us to Cori, where we now live, along the Via Francigena.

Diego Passoni

Diego Passoni is one of the best known radio hosts of Radio Deejay, Italian television presenter and dancer. Follow him on

Ilaria Allasina

Personal trainer with a degree in Motor Sciences and Sciences of Preventive and Adapted Motor Activity, she is passionate solo backpacking, photography, writing and good food!

Indiana Jones Napoletano _ Frank

Modern video maker and explorer: I share stories of unknown places, traditions, and the authentic characters of my land. In short: it’s not an effort but a mission!

Inspiring explorers _ Marie and Karim

Swiss couple who loves to explore the world, especially by hiking and doing outdoor activities. We share our trips and tips to travel more sustainably on Instagram.

I Weekendieri _ Laura

Founder of blog, specialized in weekend trips and short weekly escapes. Laura loves independency, adventure, the weekend, and Italy.

Joanne Roan

Born in England, grew up in Canada, I have lived in Italy for more than half of my life now, in Liguria and Tuscany. I record my walking experiences in my blog "Joanne's Long Walks".

Just in Tuscany _ Manuele

My name is Manuele and I am a professional guide from Tuscany. I can't wait to accompany you to my lands on this wonderful adventure.

Marco Rustioni

Always looking for adventures and outdoor experiences, I can't wait to join the final stages of this slow and sustainable journey.

Meama Walking Experience _ Jennifer & Maia

Jennifer, professional guide, and the little Maia. We explore the world with 6 paws. Our idea of travel is slow, responsible, authentic.

Non solo porridge _Crisula

My job of a blogger, food photographer and a content creator is also my greatest passion. I am in love with traveling, photography, cooking, daydreaming, art, kindness, archipelagos...

Painderoute _ Eleonora

Wherever you find mountains, paths, adventures and wild nature – there I am at home. I am a writer, travel advisor and podcaster. Dream of a lifetime: become a Russian bàbushka.

Pietro Franzese

Born in Brianza but adopted by Milan, I like to use the bicycle to go everywhere: from long bicycle trips in Europe to touring my city on two wheels.

Sara Massarotto

I am a traveling soul, I love discovering simple places that treasure hidden beauties, but my favorite trips are with a backpack and on foot.

Scomfort Zone - Mattia

Environmental Hiking Guide and founder of the Scomfort Zone project. I believe in slow travel, sincere hugs and a rolled-up shirt.

Se ce l'ho fatta io _ Monica

Journalist, writer and blogger, Monica Nanetti discovered her passion for walking and cycling routes after a first cycling experience along the Via Francigena in 2017.

Sergio Valzania

Sergio Valzania, historian and journalist began his journeys in 2004, organizing the itinerant broadcast of Radio3 along the Cammino di Santiago, Via Francigena, reaching Istanbul and Jerusalem.

TravelsBeer _ Andrea

Hello! My name is Andrea, and I am a passionate hiker and biker, and of course a traveler! I can’t wait to walk on the Via Francigena!

Trip 'N' Roll _ Andrea e Federica

We did the world trip, crossing 33 countries in more than 1000 days, with a budget of 15 euros per day each. Our motto is "It's Never Too Late".

Una passeggiata _ Daniele

Specialized in education and rehabilitation in mental health, Daniele has traveled thousands of kilometers on foot in Italy and abroad over the past 20 years.

Viaggia con Alice _ Alice e Francesco

Alice is a tidy girl and a hat-lover, Francesco is a patient boy and a amateur photography. In our travel blog we share stories about our worldwide adventures.

Vivo&Cammino _ Pietro

Hiking, Environment, Energy: this is my life. I proudly come from Piedmont. When I don’t have worse things to do, you’ll find me strolling in the mountains.

What a shame Mary Jane _ Mary Jane

Youtuber, digital nomad, philosopher from the region of Friuli, Italy, Mary Jane spreads environmental awareness, local knowledge and positivity through her travel vlogs.


Andrea Ciotti

Andrea Ciotti, 22 years old, from Varese. He loves to travel, meet people and discover new places....obviously accompanied by his videocamera

Camilla Pizzini

Professional photographer who loves outdoors and sports. Thanks to her degree in design, she is also specialised in visual communication and digital marketing.

Enrico Baroni

Enrico is a landscape, commercial and voyage photographer based in Rome. He aims to valorize places outside of tourist circuits, inspiring people to strengthen their connection with nature and hidden beauties.

Filippo Racanella

Freelance photographer and videomaker and adventurer by nature with the aim of discovering new cultures, traditions and unexplored roads.

Giulia Bertolazzi

Giulia is 23 years old and has always been passionate of photography and movies; she loves wild nature and “into the wild” adventures. She works daily on large productions, creating videos and short films.

Luce Scaglione

Luce is a photographer who adopts an anthropocentric gaze on the events that surround her. Her investigation develops in different photographic fields.

Mattia Poppa

Mattia has always cherished his passion for photogrphy and visual arts. He is really happy once he has his backpack on the shoulders and the camera around his neck.

Nick Cagol

Nick is a freelance photographer and storyteller, sharing outdoor and lifestyle stories. Through photography, he can transmit the spirit of his adventures and of his journeys.

Roberto D'Arcangelo

Founder of Impatto Visivo, he is specialized in video production and post-production. Roberto is an expert in special visual effects, Steadycam video footage and motion graphics content creation.

Sharon Di Iesu

Sharon is a photographer dedicated to portraits and visual art, but she also works for events and weddings. Passionate about nature and travelling, she loves to walk and discover new locations.

Stefano Lauritano

Owner of the SL Studios production house, he is currently specialized in aerial footage and drone driving, cooperating with such companies in Italy and abroad as Radio Deejay, Rai and Warner Music.


Alberto Conte

Committed for 20 years to spreading knowledge about slow traveling, by foot and by bike, he collaborates with some of the key Italian entities for tourism promotion including EAVF.

Angelofabio Attolico

Archaeologist and licensed trekking guide, he works at the Department of Tourism and Culture of the Apulia region, focusing on sustainable tourism and walking routes.

Cecilia Micciantuono

I am a student in history of arts and a passionate walker. Thanks to my internship I had the opportunity of bringing together my interest, mapping cultural heritage sites along the Via Francigena.

Daniela Leo

Working in the organization of RtR I took my first steps in the world of pilgrimages. The best part? I was able to leave the desk, discovering that the Via Francigena in the South runs across my backyard!

Edgar le Bras

I am Edgar, a student in international relations and public affairs. It is a real pleasure to help the development of the Via Francigena through my humble action. See you soon on the road !

Elena Dubinina

A citizen of the world, Elena lived in 8 countries and travelled to almost all the continents with her backpack, camera, and a notebook. International relations and European projects.

Gaetan Tornay

Director of the tourist office of the "Pays du St-Bernard" in Switzerland, he is also EAVF's vice-president since 2016. With a passion for mountain hiking, he'll be happy to guide the march in Switzerland.

Garance Potier

In the beginning of my third year of the bachelor in communication, I am fortunate to be able to enrich myself professionally as a trainee in communication at EAVF.

Giusy Baldacchino

Archeologist, tourist guide and historic roads enthusiast, Giusy has a strong sense for problem solving. She was responsible for the logistics of RtR event along the Via Francigena in the South.

Jacques Chevin

Based in Champlitte, Jacques joined the EAVF team as a development manager for the French and Swiss sections. He is passionate about history, nature, heritage and gastronomy.

Luca Bruschi

His passion for hiking led him to walk along many European trails. EAVF director, he has been working at the association for 17 years now, always with his shoes and backpack ready to depart.

Luca Faravelli

Licensed trekking guide and architect, who loves travelling and learn about history and culture. Assiduous and tenacious walker, always looking for new discoveries. Project Manager at EAVF.

Marika Massotti

Born in Rome, passionate about social media and the realm of communication, Marika graduated in 2020 in Tourism Economics and Management at the University Ca' Foscari in Venice. EAVF social media.

Martina D'Agostino

Student at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice for a Master in Tourism Management, she holds the role of Project Assistant and is responsible for the logistics of the "Road to Rome 2021" event.

Micol Sozzi

Always on in the footsteps of old routes to discover the artistic heritage, without forgetting a stop to taste local food and wine specialties. Administrative management for EAVF.

Myra Stals

Passionate about cycling, the environment and adventure, last year she rode her cargo bike across the entire Italian section of the Via Francigena. Road to Rome 2021 social media manager.

Nicole Franciolini

Born in Florence, since ever Nicole earned the nickname of “child with a suitcase”, then preferring a backpack as she grew. EAVF project assistant.

Sami Tawfik

Born in Piacenza, Italy, Sami has been the EAVF project manager for 10 years. Lover of trekking, but above all of good food.

Sara Louise Costa

British and Canadian citizen: my very origins make me a nomad, perpetually searching my true Self. I love camping, climbing and doing yoga. EAVF project assistant.

Simona Spinola

Tireless and curious traveller, I'm not afraid of steep climbs or ending up on the other side of the world. Communication manager.