Via Francigena

VF premio 2024_EN
Via Francigena International Awards 2024

The European Association of the Via Francigena ways (EAVF) has launched the third edition of the “Via Francigena International Award”, with the aim of highlighting the good practices implemented by its Members and Friends for the development and promotion of the itinerary.

EAVF Members and Friends are invited to submit their applications, one for each theme, briefly describing an activity related to the Via Francigena that has been carried out in in their reference region between 01.01.2023 and 31.12.2023. The application form lists 5 different themes: a maximum of 5 forms can be submitted, which means 1 activity per theme. Deadline for applications is Friday 30.06.2024.

➡️ Click here to apply for Via Francigena International Awards 2024 ⬅️

Good practices will be collected and made available to all Members and Friends within a dedicated section on the website

The three best good practices, selected by an international evaluation group nominated by the EAVF President, will be awarded at the next General Assembly, scheduled in Monte Sant’Angelo, Puglia, on Friday 18 October 2024.

Our sincere appreciation to all those who will participate!

👉 Discover the 2023 edition

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