Via Francigena

DETOUR: Developing Resilient Tourism Ecosystems along Mediterranean Routes


The DETOUR project (“Developing Resilient Tourism Ecosystems along Mediterranean Routes”) is funded by the European Union through the COSME program. With a budget of 2 million euros and a duration of three years, DETOUR aim to support the sustainable and resilient development of tourism along rural and historical routes in the Mediterranean. The primary goal is to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the tourism sector enhance their ability to compete, innovate, and grow by taking advantage of funding opportunities and digital tools. 

Key objectives of DETOUR 

  • Access to financing for SMEs: DETOUR facilitates SMEs’ access to the funding needed to improve their infrastructure and services. This allows businesses along Mediterranean rural and historical routes to develop and offer more attractive and high-quality tourism experiences. 
  • Resource Training: The project aims to train SMEs and stakeholders through dedicated courses, as well as grants for SMEs in partnership with local partners, along with additional complementary initiatives. 
  • Digitalization of the tourism sector: DETOUR supports the digital transformation of SMEs, helping them implement innovative technologies such as augmented reality, digital platforms for service management, and online marketing tools. This allows companies to remain competitive in an increasingly digitalized market and reach a broader audience. 
  • Network of international collaboration: The project involves partners from several European countries, including Italy, Greece, Turkey, and Bulgaria, creating a collaborative network that encourages the exchange of knowledge and best practices in tourism. 
  • Development of digital skills: DETOUR provides training opportunities for tourism operators, improving SMEs’ digital and management skills. This contributes to making the sector more resilient and ready to adapt to market changes. 

DETOUR involves 8 international partners: 

  • Municipality of Fidenza
  • Culture Routes Society – Kultur Rotalari Dernegi (CRS)
  • DMO Es.Co. Esquilino Comunità – La Porta di Roma (ESCO)
  • Antalya İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü (ATM – Antalya Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism)
  • Training 2000 Piccola SC (T2000)
  • Mesogeiako Kentro Perivallontos (ΜKP – Mediterranean Center for the Environment)
  • Organizatsia za Upravlenie na Trakiyski Turisticheski Rayon (MOTTR – Organization for the Management of the Thracian Tourist Region)
  • European Association of Vie Francigene (AEVF) 

The project focuses on some of Europe’s most scenic and historic routes: 

  • Via Francigena in Italy 
  • Lycian Way in Turkey 
  • Sultan’s Trail in Bulgaria 
  • Network of Mountain Routes in Greece 

Through these goals and routes, the DETOUR project aims to strengthen tourism in the Mediterranean’s rural and mountainous regions by creating more resilient tourism ecosystems that are environmentally and culturally sustainable and capable of adapting to modern challenges. 

Through these goals and pathways, the DETOUR project aims to strengthen tourism in rural Mediterranean areas by creating more robust and resilient tourism ecosystems that are environmentally and culturally sustainable and able to adapt to modern challenges. Specifically, the project in Italy will focus on supporting SMEs along the Via Francigena along the route from Pavia to Rome. This pilot area will benefit from targeted training sessions for stakeholders to enhance digital skills, promote alternative resources, and support business sustainability. SMEs operating along the Via Francigena in this area will receive mentoring and access to funding opportunities for projects focused on improving services such as renewable energy installations, digital technology, creation of tourism packages, and sustainability, bringing lasting economic and environmental benefits to the region. Various events, including conferences and capacity-building activities, will be held in the municipalities along the route.