On 1 October 2022, Edgar Le Bras set off from Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris with the aim of arriving in Jerusalem. Edgar knows the Via Francigena very well: he worked with us in 2021 as an AEVF intern, preparing the great Road to Rome 2021 march!
He set a goal of 8 months to reach Jerusalem on foot, walking stages of around 25 kilometres per day. Once in Rome, he will continue on the Via Francigena in Southern Italy to Bari, where he will take the boat to Tirana in Albania and continue his expedition following the Via Egnatia through Macedonia, Greece, Turkey and Syria, to finish the last stretch from northern Israel to Jerusalem.
A few days ago, he joined the Via Francigena in Bar-sur-Aube. On 17 October he arrived in Haute-Saône and received a warm welcome in Leffond before arriving in Champlitte, headquarters of the EAVF, the following day. Together with the town hall, we organised a warm welcome for him!

To prepare for the journey, Edgar contacted the municipalities along the route and the network of scouts and guides to which he belongs. EAVF actively supports Edgar’s project as a promoting partner, and invites all municipalities and friend associations along his route to welcome him and organise meetings to support the important motivation of his journey: to highlight the theme of peace between peoples.
You are all invited to join, walk part of the itinerary and get to know Edgar, help him find hospitality and share with him part of this great adventure.
If you would like to follow him and/or walk a few kilometres, do not hesitate to contact him on his social networks!
Facebook: En avant Jerusalem 2023
Instagram: enavantjerusalem2023
Good luck and buon cammino!