Via Francigena

Bus Martigny Aosta TMR
Good news for pilgrims: the public transport service between Martigny and Aosta is back!

The entire route of the Via Francigena in Switzerland can already be reached by public transport. From December 2023, however, pilgrims travelling between Martigny (Canton of Valais) and Aosta will again be able to count on an essential public transport service.

The urban bus line that makes travel through the Grand Combin Alps possible is back in operation. These mountains, a subsection of the Pennine Alps, are known for enclosing the mythical Great St. Bernard Pass: the boundary point between Switzerland and Italy, as well as one of the most evocative spots on the Via Francigena.

The service, provided by the Swiss transport company TMR, runs from Monday to Friday even in winter and connects the cities of Martigny and Aosta in almost two hours.

Further information on timetables, fares and ticket purchase channels can be found at the following link:

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