Via Francigena

Leg 45 – from La Storta to Rome: access to Monte Mario Park prohibited

Please note that along Leg 45 from La Storta to Piazza San Pietro (Rome) access to the Monte Mario Park is forbidden both from the gate located on Via De Amicis and from the gate located on Via del Parco Mellini due to the removal of recently fallen trunks and the monitoring of other trunks.

👉🏻 Click here to view the GPX track of the alternative route

It is therefore advisable to walk along the entire stretch of the Insugherata park, then Via A. Conti and Via Gualandi (about 800 metres), and once you reach the junction with Via Trionfale, cross over and, on the left of the Complex of Santa Maria della Pietà, take the cycle path called Parco Lineare Monte Mario-Monte Ciocci. It is about 5 km in complete safety. When you reach the Monte Ciocci viewpoint go to the right, where you can walk downhill along some hairpin bends that lead to Via Anastasio II. Turning left, you then continue for about 100 metres until you reach the traffic lights at the junction with Viale degli Ammiragli. You then turn left, walk along Via Candia, turn right onto Via Leone IV and follow the Vatican walls to the left. You then reach Piazza Risorgimento and are in sight of St. Peter’s Square.

👉🏻 Click here to view the GPX track of the alternative route

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