Via Francigena

Assemblea Generale AEVF
Pavia, a crossroads for pilgrimage routes, hosted the EAVF General Assembly 

8 new members joined the network, reaching a total of 239. The Via Francigena is in the spotlight as the 30th anniversary celebrations of the European certification are coming up.  

The gorgeous Aula Magna of the Ghislieri College in Pavia hosted the autumn session of the General Assembly of the European Association of the Via Francigena ways on 20 October. An extensive number of members and ‘friend associations’ from the four countries crossed by the path (Italy, Switzerland, France, England) participated, demonstrating the importance of such associative moments that make space for dialogue, discussion, participation. The Assembly also welcomed 8 new members (thus reaching a total of 239 municipalities, provinces and regions), and a new friend association (93 in total).  

The new members that we are welcoming are the municipalities of Blessy (Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France) and Auchy-au-Bois (Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France), the Communauté des Monts de Gy (Haute-Saône, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté), the municipalities of Corteolona and Genzone (Pavia, Lombardy), Busseto (Parma, Emilia-Romagna), Foggia (Apulia) and the Province of Foggia (Apulia). Finally, we welcomed the association San Giovanni Rotondo Francigena APS (Foggia, Apulia) in the network. The EAVF network thus strengthens its international outreach. Among the items on the agenda were the expected activities and projects for the 30th anniversary of the certification of the Via Francigena as a “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” (1994-2024). An important opportunity to reflect on the past and future of the Via Francigena.

During the assembly, a preview of the logo specially created for this anniversary was presented. “In these 30 years the world has been radically transformed, but the Via Francigena responds well to the signs of change: it is sustainable, it networks people and local communities, it enhances cultural heritage, it generates economy. The celebration of the 30th anniversary aimsto represent the many facets that make the VF a perfect synthesis of many souls combining to build one great cultural, social and sustainable tourism project: a great project of peace“, said President Massimo Tedeschi in his introductory message.

On Saturday morning, 21 October, a walk along the Via Francigena took place, together with members and friends, along a stretch of the route crossing the area of Pavia all the way to the marvellous Covered Bridge which hosted the local event “Storie di Vino” (‘Stories of Wine’).   

A journey to discover the flavours of this territory. The next EAVF assembly is scheduled in Vevey (Canton Vaud, Switzerland) on Lake Geneva on 26 April 2024. 

Click here to view photos of the General Assembly in Pavia.

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