Via Francigena

Leg 03 - From Velletri to Cori

Leg 03 - From Velletri to Cori

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Velletri, Piazza Ottaviano Augusto
  • Arrival: Cori, Piazza Signina
  • Total Length: 18,8 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Medium

The route has been modified just before Lake Giulianello due to momentary interruption of the main route. The gpx track visible and downloadable here is the route that is currently accessible.

We leave Velletri and travel along Via Troncavia, Via delle Corti and Via Crocifissi as we leave the built-up area, take a path and pass near the lake of Giulianello we cross the town of the same name and continue in the direction of Colle Illirio to take an evocative inter-pasture track that will take us to the slopes of the hill where the ancient city of Cori and its evocative Temple of Hercules, the destination of this stage, rises.
