Via Francigena

Leg 43 - From Otranto to Vignacastrisi

Leg 43 - From Otranto to Vignacastrisi

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Otranto
  • Arrival: Vignacastrisi
  • Total Length: 23,8 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Medium

Starting from the harbour of Otranto, you’ll reach the Madonna dei Martiri; after a short climb, you’ll pass the provincial road and reach one of the most breathtaking places along the walk: the former bauxite quarry, with its moon-like colours.

Following an unpaved road, you’ll reach the ruins of the San Nicola di Càsole monastery, founded by Boemondo d’Altavilla and linked to the history of the Crusades. The “tratturo” (sheep track) then continues, with the pastures making way for olive trees until you arrive to the centre of Uggiano la Chiesa and its mother church dedicated to Mary Magdalene. After leaving the centre, you’ll come to the church of Santa Maria della Serra and, from here, you need to go straight until you reach the centre of Cocumola, where St. Nicholas is particularly worshipped. After admiring the menhir of the Cross, head straight among the olive trees and pines and you’ll reach Vitigliano, where you can visit the church of St. Michael the Archangel. Walk along the provincial road for a few metres and then turn left onto a rural road that runs past a stone quarry. Carry straight on and you’ll reach the centre of Vignacastrisi, the end of this leg of the journey.
