Via Francigena

Day 5 – Licques to Tournehem-sur-la-Hem: The grass is greener and greener

The stage


👣 19 km on foot – Sunday 20 June

If ever there was a perfect day for walking, today’s stage along the Via came pretty close! Some might not agree on this, because yes… there were some clouds in the sky, and yes… we had to make our way through some puddles of mud again. But all things considered, the temperature was just right and the sun not too shy neither too present.

Today’s stage was officially supposed to be 15 KM, but we’ve already learned not to take these things too literally. Because when on the road, many small unexpected detours tend to happen. This area of France seems to have particularly many watermills hidden at the side of small country roads that are worth a short visit, and we passed many picturesque villages along the way that were absolutely worthy of short photo sessions.

One very specific thing that caught our attention when scrolling to the photos taken during the day was that literally more than 50% of the photos had an immense amount of green in it. And indeed, thinking back it became clear to us that these stages are truly filled with endless green fields, green trees, and flowers growing among those fields and those trees. For those of us who are used to living in big(ger) cities, a considerable difference in air quality is very easy to recognize. Walking in this area truly feels like a detox for our city lungs.

And since the next few stages will cross through similar rural areas… let the detox continue!


Saint Thérèse’s chapel (Clerques)

The ruins of Saint-Louis chapel (Guémy)

The extraordinary hospitality of the municipality and our lovely host in Tournehem-sur-la-Hem!

Myra Stals, Social Media Manager (EAVF)
Luca Bruschi, Director (EAVF)
Didier Morel (FFVF)
Clair Waïss (FFR)
Massimo Tedeschi, President (EAVF)
Bouco’Rando (local club of walkers)