Despite the difficulties given by the pandemic, once again this year ASD IRIDE in Rivoli is organising a Marathon along the Via Francigena which touches upon the most characteristic points of interest in the Susa Valley.
This non-competitive walk, for its 4th edition, will take place on Sunday 19 June 2022 with departure from Avigliana, medieval city known as ‘city of the two lakes’, followed by the passage at the Sacra di San Michele and arrival in the city center of Susa, both ‘Orange Flag’ locations classified by the Italian Touring Club.

Subscriptions, which opened at the end of January, already count 1500 participants. The closing of subscriptions, on the other hand, is expected for 1 June 2022 – or once the available 3000 subscriptions are sold out. During the last editions, 3000 subscriptions were reached as soon as 3 weeks after the launch of the event, therefore we highly recommend subscribing as soon as possible!
This year there are two available routes: with and without the passage at the Sacra di San Michele. There are also 3 available itineraries: 1) from the point of departure to the Sacra di San Michele 10 km (Family Marathon); 2) up to the Villarfocchiardo 21 km (Half Marathon); 3) the full marathon up to Susa, walking for 44 km. Similarly to last years, it is possible to select the Easy option without reaching the Sacra di San Michele, and reserve a shuttle service for your return.

The marathon #FMV2022 is open to everyone and must rigorously be walked, without running, to taste the beauty of this itinerary at its best.
The trail will be controlled by the Civil Protection public service and by the many Associations involved in the organisation. Local Police, law enforcement officers and the local Pro Loco will check the passage through towns. Volunteers will surveil the route, support participants and arrange resting and restoration spots located along the entire itinerary.
Click here to submit your subscription
In the above website you can also find the rules and details regarding the individual awards, transports, restorations, assistance, options for hotel bookings, etc.
Asd Iride also has other activities planned for this spring! First of all, the 4th gathering of ‘walkers of the two lakes’, which will take place in Avigliana on 24 April 2022, and following, on 8 May 2022, they will participate in the 16th stage of the ‘Giro d’Italia Plogging 2022’, in the municipalities of Avigliana, Grugliasco, Rivoli and Settimo.
For more information:
ASD IRIDE from Rivoli: mail
Leo Zappalà: phone 3398822333
To always be updated, join the Facebook group and community #FMV2022: @viafrancigenamarathonvaldisusa
Source: Press Release Via Francigena Marathon Val di Susa 2022