The Strategic Plan of the European Association of the Via Francigena ways (in three languages) is the result of a solid shared and participative work with municipalities, regions and associations of the four countries crossed by the European cultural route. It was a team effort that lasted six months, which took shape with its guidelines during the EAVF General Assembly in Calais on 26 May. In Pavia, during the autumn members’ assembly on 20 October, the design of the plan was presented.
“Building on the positive experience of the 2020-22 strategic plan, our European Association has prepared the 2023-25 strategic plan, a very important three-year period because in this period we will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the awarding of the ‘Cultural Route of the Council of Europe’ certificate to the Via Francigena (1994-2024) and in 2025 the Roman Jubilee will take place. The 30th anniversary celebrations will allow us to reflect on the journey we have made and what lies ahead. In these thirty years, the world has changed a great deal and a route such as Via Francigena responds well to the signs of change: it is sustainable, responsible, it networks people and local communities, generates economy, enhances cultural heritage“, said President Massimo Tedeschi in the incipit of the strategic document.

The plan focuses on five macro-areas that are translated into activities on the territory: a route that involves no less than 715 municipalities for a length of 3,200 km:
1) Monitoring of the official route and cooperation with territorial stakeholders
2) Governance and strengthening of the common identity
3) Communication, organisation and animation of events
4) Monitoring pilgrim and cultural tourist flows
5) Research, culture and sustainability.
Communication and promotion have been outlined with a specific Media Kit that illustrates the opportunities linked to the enhancement of the itinerary, which is increasingly visited by an international public.
Download the Strategic Plan at the following link.
The media kit is available here.