Via Francigena

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The legend of Sigeric: la Commedia dell’Arte sbarca sulla Via Francigena

“The legend of Sigeric” is a cultural and animation initiative of the Via Francigena. This Art Comedy is based on Charles Myber’s idea, and is written and directed by Carlo Boso.

This performance aims to display a theatre action characterized by expressive techniques that are typical of the Renaissance’s popular theatre. Dance, singing, and pantomimes compose the repertory used by the young talents that build this epic performance, whose goal is to educate and entertain a broad audience.

Most of the research on the history of Sigeric was conducted by students of the AIDAS in Versailles. Two versions are being prepared: one in French, for the French-Swiss territory, and one in Italian for the Italian territory.

‘The legend of Sigeric’ is not only an occasion to enjoy a fun moment, but also an opportunity to recall the atmosphere of social and cultural events of English, French, Swiss and Italian Middle Ages history. It is a journey across eras, with stops in rich and evocative places in time.

Thanks to this colorful theatre invention, eight expert actors will carry you across the legend of Sigeric. For the happiness of a local, regional, national and international audience.

Viva viva Sigéric!

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