After the great success of the first edition, on 1 June the photo contest dedicated to the most striking photos and videos along cultural routes in Europe starts again. “Share your route” is the initiative launched by the European project rurAllure, which communication is managed by the EAVF. The contest is aimed at pilgrims, walkers, cyclists and tourists who want to document and share their experience on the Via Francigena and other paths on their social media networks.
Participating is very simple! Just follow these 3 simple steps:
- Publish by 30 September a post or reel on your Instagram, Facebook or Twitter profile sharing your travel experience and the cultural heritage along the route.
- Tag the location of the shot, like and tag the @rurAllure page (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), and don’t forget to include the contest hashtag #rurallure. It is essential that your profile is public, so to be certain that we will not miss your post.
Don’t hesitate to share a short text describing your experience, your emotions on the road, or your tips and tricks for other travellers: we will take it into account as well!
Via Francigena and many other itineraries
If you are travelling along one of the following routes, you can enter the photo contest:
- Via Francigena. Don’t forget that you can be guided along your walk by the AllTrails App, which reserves a discount on the premium version for walks during this high season. The app, allows you to get the ‘trails’, i.e. the routes in the area for easy walking according to difficulty or other characteristics.
- Via Romea Strata
- Via Romea Germanica
- Camino de Santiago
- Sant’Olav Way – the pilgrimage routes to Trondheim (Norway) across Norway, Denmark and Sweden
- Paths to Csíksomlyó / Mary’s Way / Via Mariae / Mária út
If there are too many photos to choose from, you can publish them all: a special prize will be awarded to the person who posts the highest amount of photos, while another category will reward the author of the most interesting publication.
The authors of the most beautiful and interesting posts will receive special hiking equipment (Ferrino backpacks and Garmont shoes) as a prize.
The deadline for posting photos and videos is 30 September 2023. After that date simply stay tuned through rurAllure’s website and social media channels for the announcement of the winners: the announcement will take place on 16 October 2023.
For more information you can consult the Terms and Conditions
Consult winning photos 2022 for the Via Francigena.
WITH KIND SUPPORT OF: AITR Associazione Italiana Turismo Responsabile, Attrezzatura Trekking, Cammini d’Italia – Plan, Walk and Share (, Cicerone Press | Guides for walkers, hikers, cyclists and trekkers,, Free Wheels ODV | Cammini Accessibili, per Tutti (, Ospitalità Religiosa, Smart Walking