Slowness, the pleasure of the journey, the possibility to enjoy the moment without rushing to the arrival: this is the essence of slow tourism. Some move by foot, some by bike, some on horseback…and some by train.
With no doubt, the train too is considered an option for slow and sustainable mobility. Slow not because it covers a small number of km per hour, but because it allows to sit back, relax and enjoy the view from the window. Slow because aboard the train there is no need to worry about traffic or parking – we can simply surrender to the journey, waiting to reach the destination.
Think of those moments when you look out of the train window and daydream – that’s where the magic begins: on the train we do not only move physically, but we live a real experiential journey with and for ourselves – sometimes alone, sometimes with the people we love, sometimes with the new people we meet on the carriage.

For all these reasons, and many more, the European Association of Via Francigena ways believes the train is a perfect means to get closer to the Via Francigena, reaching our starting point to cover part of the itinerary, enjoy a daily walk, or even take some personal time to experience the landscape along the route, for those who are unable to travel along it.
Therefore, Trenord, one of the most important European railway managers for localised public mobility, which extensively serves Region Lombardia (Italy), enters the network of partners of the EAVF.

The Association shares indeed a common mission with the company, connected to responsible, sustainable, slow, ecological and proximity tourism.
Starting today, connecting to the Francigena itinerary in Lombardia is easier and easier: in the coming months we will give you all information through our social media channels, updating you about improved railway connections along the route: stay tuned!