Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 July EAVF will participate in the first edition of the Valsusa Slow Fest: two days dedicated to slow and proximity tourism that involve many partners, including transalpine ones.
The event is part of the project “The Via Francigena in the Susa Valley: voices and places for an experiential tourism“, which was among the winners of the call “In the light. Enhancing and narrating the cultural identities of territories“, promoted and funded by Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo.
On this occasion, EAVF will screen the docufilm of the Road to Rome 2021 event and present the new issue of the official magazine of the Via Francigena, edition number 53, with a cover and a special article dedicated precisely to the itinerary that crosses the Susa Valley. The magazine is in fact available through the official website of the Magazine, which in recent months has been renovated, fine-tuned and revisited with new, more user-friendly graphics that recall the graphics of the official EAVF website.
The Valsusa Slow Fest program will be divided in two days: Saturday will be dedicated to events, meetings and activities in the historic center of Susa, where a ‘village’ will be set up with stands related to outdoor, cultural and gastronomic activities in the area. On Sunday, experiential activities will be offered in the Susa Valley area both in the field of outdoor and cultural meet-ups.
On Saturday 9 July, at 9:30 a.m. in via Palazzo di Città, the speakers will address the macro-theme of slow tourism by analyzing its different aspects: after the opening and narration of the local governance on activities in the territory, in the morning we will discuss “Outdoor and slow tourism in local, regional and cross-border policies” and “Territorial realities in Italy are attentive to itineraries and slow tourism“.
After a lunch break at the gastronomic points of the local producers of the Susa Valley – Gusto ValSusa or in local restaurants, events will resume at 2:30 p.m. with “Turism along the Francigena – Voices and experiences of walkers and pilgrims“. This will be followed by an in-depth discussion on “The Via Francigena in the Susa Valley as a tourist and cultural driver“, to close with “The Via Francigena and the arts…“
On Sunday 10 July for the entire day, it will be possible to participate in activities in the area with tour guides who have prepared tailor-made proposals for this occasion:
- In the Gran Bosco di Salbertrand Park: 9:30 a.m. “The soul of the forest” – easy hike with Elena Bianco Chinto. At the park headquarters on Fransuà Fontan 1 Street, the documentation center Spazio Escartons can be visited. Also, in front of the park headquarters continues the work of the sculptors of “Istuara ‘d bo” who are making new wood sculptures to enrich the paths of the Park and the Colombano Romean Ecomuseum. Reservations required by Friday, July 8: tel. 3334244678 –
- Cycle excursion “From Avigliana to the Foresto Gorge by Bike” with Duma c’Anduma. Info:
- 9:30 a.m. “Green Lake and Lake Lavoir” hike with Catia Pernigotto. Info and reservations: tel. 3387243283 –
- 9 a.m. Hike to Toesca refuge “Take your time!” with Chiara Bellando of Iocamminonaturalmente. Info and reservations: tel. 3387799570 –
- 10:30 a.m. Visits to the former Nobel Dynamite Factory in Avigliana. Info and reservations: – tel. 0119311873.
- 3-6 p.m. opening of Castrum Capriarium (castle of the Conte Verde) in Condove. Info and reservations: tel. 3496483719.
- 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 3-6 p.m. opening of Delfinale Tower in Oulx (also July 9). Info: Oulx Tourist Office,
- 4 pm guided tour of the Castle of Countess Adelaide – Civic Museum in Susa. Info:

For more information: