The EPA Secretariat announce the release of the 2019 Activity Report of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe Programme, prepared in cooperation with the European Institute of Cultural Routes.
Thanks to the continued remarkable work of all Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, 2019 has been another exceptional year for the programme.
The success of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme was recognized with the prestigious award of the Charles V European Prize by His Majesty the King of Spain and the nomination of the Council of Europe as new Honorary Ambassador of the Santiago de Compostela Pilgrim Routes.
Among the highlights, the Council of Europe certified 5 new routes, bringing the programme to 38 certified routes and more than 2500 network members crossing some 60 countries in Europe and beyond.
The Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes (EPA) has continued to gain new members and political support.
Latvia became the 33rd member State to Join the EPA and three new member States requested observer status: Albania, Ireland and Sweden.
This year was marked by a great number of events and activities, including the 9th Annual Advisory Forum in Sibiu, Romania, and the 8th Training Academy along The Hansa, in Visby, Sweden.
The full 98-page report is available in the attachment.