Via Francigena


The 2nd Edition of Festival “Mònde – Festival of Cinema and Routes”

The 2nd edition of “Mònde – Festival of Cinema and Routes “ – whose name refers to its host city – Monte Sant’Angelo and at the same time recalls the word “world” in French, reflecting its larger dimension and universal value – was presented on 1 October 2019 at a press conference in Bari, in the Conference Room of the Presidency of the Apulia Region.

From 10 to 13 October 2019 the unique and beautiful setting of the historic Rione Junno of Monte Sant’Angelo, within the Gargano National Park, will host the film festival dedicated to the theme of travel, in all its nuances and meanings.

“Mònde is a real challenge, which pursues three objectives: a territorial marketing tool capable of promoting places together with the cinema; a social innovation because it narrates about the places not only as landscapes but also as communities, and shows its host city Monte Sant’Angelo and its inhabitants – guardians of traditions and identity. The festival is a part of a broader strategy, which also focuses on the routes, necessary to economic profit and promotion of the territory “, said the Regional Councilor for Tourism and Cultural Industry Loredana Capone.

In support of the festival, the Regional Councilor for Budget and Programming Raffaele Piemontese declared: “This festival is a piece of a much larger puzzle, born from the talent of those who know the territory, and involving associations, institutions and local community. It is able to give life to an important project, which makes the city of Monte Sant’Angelo take a leap in quality”.

«Mònde is a unique festival, with a highly original format that links and integrates the different areas of cultural enhancement with audiovisual expression. A film festival that talks about cultural, physical, temporal, interior crossings … Mònde, the mountain, leads us to discover ancient and recent memories through an all-round cinematic experience, while walking, traveling, discovering “, has explained the president of Apulia Film Commission Simonetta Dellomonaco, underlining together with the general director of Apulia Film Commission Antonio Parente that “it is one of the festivals of the Apulia Cinefestival Network “, invested by the Apulia region and representing an important reference for the territory of the Gargano, rich in beauty and cultural values ​​yet to be discovered through cinema ».

Mònde is looking for a constant dialogue with a territory of an inexhaustible narrative and imaginative potential such as the Gargano. Retracing on foot the ancient routes of pilgrims and crusaders and the traces of the millennial presence of man in the Gargano territory, or immersed in the wild nature of the Umbra Forest, the routes of Mònde – organized by the Monte Sant’Angelo Francigena Association – are an experience not to be missed. It will discover the Umbra Forest, the Abbey of Santa Maria di Pulsano with a guided visit to the Hermitages, the Basilica of San Michele Arcangelo and the Rione Junno.

«We are here to testify how much the territory has believed and invested in the theme of the routes. It was 2007 when we started work on the stretch of the Via Francigena of the South that crosses our territory. Today it is truly an immense joy to see the route that has been made and that we will continue to follow “, declared the president of the National Park Authority of the Gargano Pasquale Pazienza, accompanied by the Councilor Pasquale Coccia.

During the four days of the Festival it will be possible to immerse into slow travel and simply travel, in good practices and environmental and social sustainability. It will also be possible to discover or rediscover Monte Sant’Angelo, the city of two UNESCO sites: the Sanctuary of Saint Michael the Archangel and the ancient beech forests of Umbra.

“Monte Sant’Angelo is one of the world destinations of the great routes and pilgrimages and narrating this phenomenon via cinema art is certainly a great cultural activity. Internationalization, events and seasonal adjustment are at the center of our cultural and tourist strategy, which is why we support, and we will continue to conduct this festival “, commented the Councilor for Education, Culture and Tourism of the Municipality of Monte Sant’Angelo Rosa Palomba.

To illustrate the program of the 2nd edition of Mònde the artistic director Luciano Toriello explained the film selection: “I am a documentarian, so I select the films as I build them. In a film about a route I see faith, tradition, spirituality but also secular tourism, trekking. The programming includes all of these topics, in this way the walker completes his experience with films, workshops and musical shows».

The Festival starts on Thursday, 10 October at 4 pm with the official opening and the inauguration of the photo exhibition by Pino Maiorano, a curator of Mònde 2019 preparation. Mònde 2019 will pay tribute to “La Legge” by Jules Dassin, a film shot in 1958 in the Gargano – there will be a special screening during the festival.  The past and memory will be also recalled thanks to the strong collaboration with the Istituto Luce, which will launch the “Luce Cinecittà” with the screening of “Lascia stare i santi” by Gianfranco Pannone, “Butterfly” in the presence of the director Casey Kauffmann, “Dafne” by Federico Bondi and “Anjia” in the presence of the director Roland Sejko.

During Sunday 13 October conclusion of the works of “Gargano DOC – School of documentaries on the Paths and Cultural Routes” will take place, which were carried out in collaboration with Istituto Luce-Cinecittà.

The films’ screenings will be divided into two competitive sections, documentary feature films and short films, schools’ mornings and workshops that represent a journey into the tales and stories of other countries, showcasing the nature of Festival Mònde narrating about Apulia and learning about the rest of the world.

Then special screenings and meetings will take place, including “Il bene mio” in the presence of director Pippo Mezzapesa and screenwriter Antonella Gaeta.

Space will also be given to the docufiction with the screening of an episode of the “Overland” series – and the meeting with Beppe Tenti, explorer, producer and creator of the RAI format dedicated to documentary expeditions – and with “BOEZ – Let’s go away”, followed by a discussion with the director Paola Pannicelli, the producer Roberta Cortella and the main characters Alessandro Paglialonga and Francesco Tafuno.

There will also be concerts and shows. On Thursday 10 October there will be Ambrogio Sparagna, one of the most important musicians of the European popular music, star of the La Notte della Taranta Festival in 2004-2006, founder and director of the Italian Popular Orchestra of the Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome.

Saturday, 12 October there will be “Parole Note” live with Giancarlo Cattaneo and Maurizio Rossato, a show that accompanies public in an unexpected inner journey through a multisensory experience uniquely made by flow of readings, images and music.

On 11-13 October 2019 the International Conference “Francigena: Via to Rome, Santiago, Jerusalemwill take place in the C. Angelillis Municipal Library, jointly organized by the Apulia Region, the European Association of the Via Francigena Ways and the Italian Center for Compostellan Studies.

“Monde – Festival of Cinema and Routes” is an initiative of the Apulia Region Tourism and Cultural Industry Department based on the resources of the FSC Pact for Apulia 2014-2020 – produced by Apulia Film Commission within the framework of the Apulia Cinefestival Network intervention with the contribution of the Gargano National Park and the Municipality of Monte Sant’Angelo. Creator and organizer of the event: artistic direction – Luciano Toriello and MAD – Memorie Audiovisive della Daunia.

The event, organized in collaboration with the Association Monte Sant’Angelo Francigena and Istituto Luce Cinecittà, also enjoys the patronage of the European Association of the Via Francigena Ways.

More information:

Source: press release


“Torno a casa a piedi tour” in tv, la puntata in onda su RealTime

800 km a piedi lungo la Via Francigena, 32 tappe in 40 giorni, 15 concerti: “Torno a Casa a Piedi Tour” arriva in televisione.

L’appuntamento sul piccolo schermo è fissato per l’ 8 ottobre alle 21.10 su RealTime. Poco dopo la messa in onda, il documentario sarà disponibile online su Dplay.

Il cantante, nato a Milano e cresciuto girando il mondo, è stato protagonista di un tour in cammino tra aprile e maggio che lo ha portato da Pavia a Roma a piedi lungo la Francigena. Un cammino in musica, fatto di live, incontri e amicizie pronto a sbarcare in tv.


“Torno a Casa a Piedi” Tour on television on Realtime

800 km on foot along the Via Francigena, 32 stages in 40 days and 15 concerts “Torno a Casa a Piedi” by Jack Jaselli.  Now the Tour arrives on television.

The TV screening is scheduled on 8 October 2019 at 22.10 on RealTime. Shortly after the airing, the documentary will be available online on Dplay.

Jack Jaselli, born in Milan and grown up traveling the world, conducted a walking tour between April and May 2019 that took him from Pavia to Rome on foot along the Via Francigena. A journey of music, made of live, meetings and friendships is ready to land on TV.

More information here



« Torno a casa a piedi tour » à la tv, l’épisode diffusé sur RealTime

800 km à pied le long de la Via Francigena, 32 étapes en 40 jours, 15 concerts : « Torno a casa a piedi tour » (je retourne à la maison à pied) arrive à la télévision.

Le rendez-vous sur le petit écran est fixé pour le 8 octobre à 21h10 sur RealTime. Peu après la diffusion, le documentaire sera disponible en ligne sur Dplay.

Le chanteur, né à Milan et qui a grandi en voyageant autour du monde, est le protagoniste d’une tournée en chemin entre avril et mai qui l’a conduit de Pavie à Rome à pied le long de la Francigena. Un chemin en musique, fait de live, de rencontres et d’amitié prêt à débarqué à la tv.


La Via Francigena in Lombardia, incontro a Pavia con la Provincia, i sindaci e gli operatori

Martedì 24 settembre, nella sede della Provincia di Pavia in Piazza Italia, si è tenuto un incontro dell’Associazione Europea delle Vie Francigene (AEVF) e della Provincia di Pavia con Sindaci e gli operatori sulla Via Francigena.

Presenti gli amministratori e i tecnici di Pavia, Linarolo, Nicorvo, Gropello, Garlasco, Belgioioso, Tromello, Cergnago, Olevano, Mortara, Robbio e una buona rappresentanza di operatori della ricettività, oltre a AEVF rappresentata dal presidente Massimo Tedeschi e dal responsabiie progetti Sami Tawfik.

Il Presidente della Provincia, Vittorio Poma e la Vice Presidente, Daniela Bio hanno sottolineato l’importanza, per il territorio, di accogliere con favore le opportunità espresse dall’Associazione che dal 2001 opera per lo sviluppo della Francigena e collabora con la Provincia, tra i soci fondatori, Regione Lombardia, le altre Regioni e Comuni italiani e gli altri Paesi interessati dall’attraversamento dell’antica via: Regno Unito, Francia, Svizzera francese e Italia.

Molti i progetti conclusi e i traguardi raggiunti, uno per tutti il riconoscimento della Francigena come Itinerario Culturale Europeo da parte del Consiglio d’Europa. Ma ora la posta in gioco è ancora più alta e la sfida molto complessa: la candidatura della Francigena a Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità riconosciuto dall’UNESCO.

In Lombardia la Francigena attraversa da Ovest a Est le province di Pavia e Lodi; Pavia, con i suoi 126 km ha una scommessa da accogliere e vincere: fare dell’itinerario culturale uno dei maggiori fattori di sviluppo dell’economia locale. Il presidente AEVF Tedeschi ha inquadrato le strategie dell’Associazione Europea delle Vie Francigene a livello europeo, mentre, Sami Tawfik, Responsabile Progetti dell’associazione, ha evidenziato come, siano proprio le comunità più piccole a beneficiare del passaggio dei pellegrini, il cui profilo è caratterizzato da un livello culturale medio/alto, da una buona capacità di spesa e dall’obiettivo di approfondire la conoscenza dei territori esplorati con lentezza, con occhio attento e sensibilità acuta per fare tesoro dell’esperienza vissuta.

Prima di approfondire il progetto “La Via Francigena in Lombardia. Verso la candidatura UNESCO”, Tawfik ha illustrato, tra gli altri, anche i progetti “I love Francigena”, “Sosta e gusta” e “Terre della Via Francigena” che presenta per tutti territori, non direttamente attraversati dall’itinerario, l’opportunità di connettersi dal punto di vista tematico al percorso, proponendo la propria offerta turistico culturale.

Gli strumenti di comunicazione di AEVF per diffondere e dare visibilità alle attività intraprese sono molteplici, primo fra tutti il portale VisitViaFrancigena, contenente i servizi di accoglienza e altri servizi lungo la via, sottosito legato a regione Lombardia e a

Sul progetto “La Via Francigena in Lombardia. Verso la candidatura UNESCO”, che ha ottenuto l’approvazione e il finanziamento dell’Assessorato alla Cultura di Regione Lombardia, si è tenuto il focus analitico da parte dei presenti all’incontro, in quanto lo stesso consentirà di definire lo studio e sviluppare la strategia di candidatura a Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità, partendo dal risultato già conseguito nel gennaio scorso, dell’inserimento ufficiale della Via Francigena nella tentative list italiana.

Il progetto prevede anche la realizzazione di uno speciale staccabile dedicato ai territori di Pavia e Lodi, all’interno della rivista ufficiale AEVF “Via Francigena and the European Cultural Routes”, nonché la realizzazione di una cartina ufficiale in 3.500 copie della Via Francigena in provincia di Pavia.

La parola passa ora a operatori e amministratori, un importante connubio pubblico privato in cui crede molto il Settore provinciale Tutela Ambientale Promozione del Territorio e Sostenibilità che sta lavorando al progetto: il territorio vorrà e saprà accettare la sfida? Ne sono certe Provincia e AEVF, pronte ad accompagnare e a facilitare il percorso!



The Via Francigena in Lombardy: meeting in Pavia with the Province, mayors and cultural and tourism stakeholders

A meeting of the European Association of the Via Francigena Ways (EAVF) and of the Province of Pavia with Mayors and cultural and tourism stakeholders on the Via Francigena took place on Tuesday 24 September 2019 at the headquarters of the Province of Pavia in Piazza Italia.

The meeting was attended by the representative of the Province of Pavia – administrators and officers –  Linarolo, Nicorvo, Gropello, Garlasco, Belgioioso, Tromello, Cergnago, Olevano, Mortara, Robbio, as well as the representatives of cultural and tourism stakeholders, in addition to the AEVF, represented by the president Massimo Tedeschi and the project manager Sami Tawfik .

The president of the province, Vittorio Poma, and the vice-president, Daniela Bio, stressed the importance for the territories to welcome the opportunities presented by the Association, which since 2001 works for the development of the Via Francigena and collaborates with the province – one of the founders together with the Lombardy region, the other Italian regions and municipalities and the countries crossed by path: United Kingdom, France, French Switzerland and Italy.

Many projects concluded and many objectives achieved, one of them is the recognition of the Via Francigena as a European Cultural Route of the Council of Europe. But the new challenge now is even more ambitious: the candidacy of the Via Francigena to the UNESCO World Heritage List.

In Lombardy, the Via Francigena crosses from west to east the provinces of Pavia and Lodi. Pavia with its 126 km has launched a challenge: to make this cultural route one of the most important factors of development of the local economy. The president of the EAVF, Massimo Tedeschi, explained the strategies of the European Association of the Via Francigena Ways at the European level, while Sami Tawfik, project manager of the association, highlighted that the smallest communities are those who benefit the most from the pilgrims. The pilgrims’ profile is characterized by a medium / high cultural level, good economic resources and an aim of deepening the knowledge about the territories which they slowly explore, being attentive to surroundings and enriching themselves with lived experience.

Before going in details with the project “La Via Francigena in Lombardy. Towards the UNESCO candidacy“, Sami Tawfik explained projects “I love Francigena“, “Sosta & Gusta and “Terres de la Via Francigena” which provide development opportunities for all territories, even to those not directly crossed by the Via Francigena – the opportunity to thematically connect to the Via Francigena and to propose their own tourism and cultural offers.

The communication tools of the EAVF to disseminate and give visibility to the activities undertaken are multiple. First of all, there is the portal Visit.ViaFrancigena, containing accommodations and other service providers along the Via Francigena, a sub-site related to the Lombardy region and

The meeting was focused on the project “Via Francigena in Lombardy. Towards the UNESCO candidacy “, which has obtained the approval and funding of the Advisory Cultural Council of the Lombardy Region, as it will define the study and develop the World Heritage nomination strategy, starting from the results already obtained in January 2019- the official insertion of the Via Francigena in the Italian tentative list.

The project also includes publication of a special edition dedicated to the territories of Pavia and Lodi in the official AEVF magazine “Via Francigena and the European Cultural Routes“, as well as production of an official map in 3,500 copies of the Via Francigena in the province of Pavia.

Then the cultural and tourism stakeholders and public servants took the floor, representing an important public-private partnership, deeply appreciated by the Provincial Department of the Environmental Protection, Promotion of the Territory and Sustainability. Will the territory want and will accept the challenge? The province and the AEVF are surely ready to accompany and facilitate the work ahead!


La Via Francigena en Lombardie, rencontre à Pavie avec la province, les maires et les opérateurs

Mardi 24 septembre, au siège de la province de Pavie, place Italia, a eu lieu une rencontre de l’Association Européenne des Chemins de la Via Francigena (AEVF) et de la province de Pavie avec les maires et les opérateurs de la Via Francigena.

Les administrateurs et les techniciens de Pavie, Linarolo, Nicorvo, Gropello, Garlasco, Belgioioso, Tromello, Cergnago, Olevano, Mortara, Robbio étaient présents, ainsi que de nombreux gérants de lieux d’hospitalité et bien sûr le président de l’AEVF, Massimo Tedeschi et le responsable des projets, Sami Tawfik.

Le président de la province, Vittorio Poma, et la vice-présidente, Daniela Bio, ont souligné l’importance pour les territoires d’accueillir les opportunités présentées par l’Association qui depuis 2001 œuvre pour le développement de la Francigena et collabore avec la province, qui fait partie des fondateurs, la région Lombardie, les autres régions et communes italiennes et les autres pays traversés par l’ancien chemin : Royaume-Uni, France, Suisse française et Italie.

De nombreux projets conclus et de nombreux objectifs atteints, un pour tous : la reconnaissance de la Francigena en tant qu’Itinéraire culturel européen de la part du Conseil de l’Europe. Mais le nouveau défi est encore plus complexe : la candidature de la Francigena au patrimoine mondial de l’humanité reconnu par l’UNESCO.

En Lombardie, la Francigena traverse d’ouest en est les provinces de Pavie et de Lodi. Pavie avec ses 126 km a lancé un défi : faire de l’itinéraire culturel un des plus importants facteurs de développement de l’économie local. Le président de l’AEVF, M Tedeschi, a expliqué les stratégies de l’Association Européenne des Chemins de la Via Francigena au niveau européen, alors que Sami Tawfik, responsable projets de l’association, a mis en évidence le fait que ce sont les communautés les plus petites qui bénéficient le plus du passage des pèlerins, dont le profil est caractérisé par un niveau culturel moyen/haut, par de bonnes possibilités économiques et par l’objectif d’approfondir la connaissance des territoires explorés avec lenteur, attentifs à ce qui les entourent pour s’enrichir de l’expérience vécue.

Avant d’approfondir le projet « La Via Francigena en Lombardie. Vers la candidature UNESCO », M Tawfik a expliqué aussi les projets « I love Francigena », « Sosta&Gusta » et « Terres de la Via Francigena » qui représentent pour tous les territoires, même ceux qui ne sont pas traversés directement par l’itinéraire, l’opportunité de se connecter du point de vue thématique au parcours, en proposant leurs propres offres touristico-culturelles.

Les instruments de communications de l’AEVF pour diffuser et donner de la visibilité aux activités entreprises sont multiples. Avant tout, il y a le portail VisitViaFrancigena, contenant des services d’accueil ainsi que d’autres services le long de la Via, sous-site lié à la région Lombardie et à

Un focus analytique a eu lieu sur le projet « La Via Francigena en Lombardie. Vers la candidature UNESCO », qui a obtenu l’approbation et le financement de l’assessorat à la culture de la région Lombardie, étant donné que ce dernier permettra de définir l’étude et de développer la stratégie de candidature au patrimoine mondial de l‘humanité, en partant du résultat déjà obtenu en janvier dernier, c’est-à-dire l’insertion officielle de la Via Francigena dans la tentative list italienne.

Le projet prévoit aussi la réalisation d’une édition spéciale consacrée aux territoires de Pavie et de Lodi, dans la revue officielle de l’AEVF “Via Francigena and the European Cultural Routes”, ainsi que la réalisation d’une carte officielle en 3.500 exemplaires de la Via Francigena en province de Pavie.

Puis les opérateurs et les administrateurs ont pris la parole, avec une importante combinaison entre le secteur public et le secteur privé dans lequel le Secteur provincial Tutelle Environnement Promotion du Territoire et Durabilité croit beaucoup et travaille au projet : le territoire voudra et saura accepter le défi ? la province et l’AEVF en sont sûres, prêtes à accompagner et à faciliter le parcours !


Progetto LinC, Lombardia in Cammino tra reale e digitale

Scoprire la Lombardia passo dopo passo: le vie percorse in passato da pellegrini, religiosi e mercanti nei campi, nei boschi, lungo fiumi e laghi. Questa è l’opportunità offerta dal progetto LinC – Lombardia in Cammino, a un pubblico di grandi camminatori, di famiglie, di giovani, scuole, viaggiatori. Tutti  accomunati dall’idea che il cammino sia uno strumento di conoscenza di se stessi e del territorio. Il progetto, sostenuto da Regione Lombardia, intende sviluppare una rete regionale di cammini coinvolgendo i territori attraversati, le associazioni che promuovono la mobilità lenta e l’accessibilità, i Comuni, le Province, le associazioni di cammini, gli enti territoriali, gli enti per il turismo, le scuole, solo per citarne alcuni. 

Sui 12 cammini scelti si procederà a: applicazione di una identità visiva e di un sistema di “sovra-segnali” fisici e digitali tesi a valorizzare l’insieme dei cammini e le loro interconnessioni; realizzazione di una Guida dei Cammini in Lombardia in italiano e inglese (con versione e-book e una APP); sviluppo di una piattaforma multimediale, in italiano e inglese,; applicazione del Modello di Analisi dei Cammini su due cammini campione; produzione e promozione di pacchetti turistici integrati.

La conferenza stampa, in programma lunedì 30 settembre alle ore 11 presso la Sala Solesin di Palazzo Lombardia (Primo piano ingresso N4), Piazza Città di Lombardia 1, Milano, prevede i saluti di Stefano Bruno Galli, Assessore all’Autonomia e Cultura di Regione Lombardia e a seguire due interventi introduttivi, il primo da parte del capofila, Triwù Srl, e il secondo da parte del Touring Club Italiano, partner del progetto.

Gli aspetti relativi al tema delle tradizioni, della cultura materiale e immateriale, della micro e macro economia sui territori attraversati dai cammini, saranno affrontati nella tavola rotonda, moderata da Alberto Pugnetti di Radio Francigena, che coinvolge enti, comuni e Cammini. 


  • Introduzione
    Stefano Bruno Galli, Assessore all’Autonomia e Cultura, Regione Lombardia
  • Presentazione Progetto LinC – Lombardia in Cammino
    Attilia Cozzaglio, Coordinatrice di progetto, Triwù srl
  • Qualità dell’offerta turistica e Promozione dei Cammini lombardi
    Isabella Andrighetti, Touring Club Italiano
    Fiorenza Frigoni, Touring Club Italiano
  • I cammini di Lombardia – Tavola Rotonda
    Alessandro Fede Pellone, Presidente ERSAF
    Renato Aggio, Presidente CAI Lombardia
    Luca Bruschi, Direttore Associazione Europea delle Vie Francigene
    Renato Ornaghi, Referente del Cammino di Sant’Agostino
    Andrea Vitiello, Referente della Via Postumia
    Gloria Mari, Referente del Cammino dei Monaci
    Antonio Rusconi, Sindaco di Bellano e referente del Sentiero del Viandante
    Rita Pelusio, CamminAttrice “Una tappa sul cammino

     Modera: Alberto Pugnetti, Direttore di Radio Francigena, la voce dei cammini

L’incontro sarà trasmesso in streaming su Triwù, la web TV dell’innovazione e sulla pagina FB di LinC Lo spazio finale è riservato alla CamminAttrice Rita Pelusio. 

Il programma in allegato è scaricabile – Fonte: comunicato stampa


LinC Project: Lombardy on the Road between Real and Digital

Discover Lombardy step by step: the ancient roads, traveled in the past by pilgrims and merchants in the fields and woods, along rivers and lakes. This is an opportunity offered by the LinC – Lombardy in Cammino (Lombardy on the Way) project, to an audience of walkers and travelers, families, youth and schools. All of them share the idea that the journey is an instrument of self-knowledge and of the territory. The project, supported by the Lombardy Region, aims to develop a regional network of paths involving the territories crossed, associations that promote slow mobility and accessibility, municipalities, provinces, hiking associations, public bodies and tourism schools, just to name a few of them.

 12 selected paths will be provided with a visual identity and a system of physical and digital “over-signals” aimed at enhancing the routes and their interconnections; realization of a Guide of the Paths in Lombardy in Italian and English (with an e-book version and an APP); development of a multimedia platform in Italian and English on the website; application of the Path Analysis Model on two sample paths; production and promotion of integrated tourist packages.

The press conference, scheduled on Monday, 30 September at 11am at the Sala Solesin of Palazzo Lombardia (1st floor entrance N4), Piazza Città di Lombardia 1, Milan, includes greetings from Stefano Bruno Galli, Councilor for Autonomy and Culture of the Lombardy Region and two introductory interventions –  by the project leader, Triwù Srl, and the Italian Touring Club, project partner.

Aspects related to the theme of traditions, material and intangible culture, micro and macro economy in the territories crossed by the roads will be discussed during the round table managed by Alberto Pugnetti of Radio Francigena and will involve organizations, municipalities and the paths.

The round table will be address the aspects related to the traditions, tangible and intangible culture and heritage, micro and macro economy of the territories crossed by the paths and will be moderated by Alberto Pugnetti of Radio Francigena, which unites public bodies, municipalities and routes.

 Program of the meeting:

  • Introduction: Stefano Bruno Galli, Councilor for Autonomy and Culture of the Lombardy Region
  • Presentation of the LinC project – Lombardy on the Way : Attilia Cozzaglio, project coordinator, Triwù srl
  • Quality of the tourist offer and promotion of the Lombardy paths : Isabella Andrighetti, Italian Touring Club
  • Fiorenza Frigoni, Italian Touring Club
  • Round table:

Alessandro Fede Pellone, President ERSAF
Renato Aggio, President CAI Lombardia
Luca Bruschi, director of the European Association of Via Francigena Ways
Renato Ornaghi, reference person of the path of Sant’Agostino
Andrea Vitiello, reference person of Via Postumia
Gloria Mari, reference person of the Way of the Monks
Antonio Rusconi, Mayor of Bellano and reference person of Sentiero del Viandante
Rita Pelusio, CamminAttrice “Una tappa sul cammino”

  • Moderated by: Alberto Pugnetti, Director of Radio Francigena: the voice of the routes.

The meeting will be streamed on Triwù web TV and LinC’s Facebook page. The final space is reserved for the CamminAttrice (play of words Walker and Actress) – Rita Pelusio.

 The attached program is downloadable.



Projet LinC, Lombardie en chemin entre le réel et le digital

Découvrir la Lombardie un pas après l’autre : les chemins parcourus dans le passé par les pèlerins, les religieux et les marchands dans les champs, les bois, le long des rivières et des lacs. Voilà l’opportunité offerte par le projet LinC – Lombardie en Chemin, à un public de grands marcheurs, de familles, de jeunes, d’écoles, de voyageurs. Tous avec comme point commune l’idée que le chemin est un instrument de connaissance de soi-même et du territoire. Le projet, soutenu par la région Lombardie, compte développer un réseau régional de chemins en engageant les territoires traversés, les associations qui promeuvent la mobilité lente et l’accessibilité, les communes, les provinces, les associations de chemins, les organismes territoriaux, les organismes pour le tourisme, les écoles, pour en citer seulement quelques-uns.

Sur 12 chemins choisis, sera réalisé : l’application d’une identité visuelle et un système de « sur-signaux » physiques et digitaux pour valoriser l’ensemble des chemins et leurs interconnexions ; un guide des chemins en Lombardie en italien et en anglais (avec version ebook et une application) ; le développement d’une plateforme multimédias en italien et en anglais,; l’application du modèle d’analyse des chemins sur deux chemins échantillons ; la production et la promotion de paquets touristiques.

La conférence de presse, programmée lundi 30 septembre à 11h, Salle Solesin du palais Lombardia (premier étage, entrée n.4), place Città di Lombardia 1, Milan, prévoit l’inauguration de Stefano Bruno Galli, assesseur à l’autonomie et à la culture de la région Lombardie et à suivre deux interventions, la première du chef de file Triwù srl et le second du Touring club italien, partenaire du projet.

Les aspects en relation avec le thème des traditions, de la culture matérielle et immatérielle, de la micro et macro économie sur les territoires traversés par les chemins seront traités durant la table ronde gérée par Alberto Pugnetti de Radio Francigena et impliquera les organismes, les communes et les chemins.

Programme de la rencontre :

  • Introduction
    Stefano Bruno Galli, assesseur à l’autonomie et à la culture, région Lombardie
  • Présentation du projet LinC – Lombardie en Chemin
    Attilia Cozzaglio, coordinatrice du projet, Triwù srl
  • Qualité de l’offre touristique et promotion des chemins lombards
    Isabella Andrighetti, Touring Club italien
    Fiorenza Frigoni, Touring Club italien
  • Les chemins de la Lombardie – table ronde
    interviendront :
    Alessandro Fede Pellone, président ERSAF
    Renato Aggio, président CAI Lombardia
    Luca Bruschi, directeur de l’association Européenne des Chemins de la Via Francigena
    Renato Ornaghi, référent du chemin de Sant’Agostino
    Andrea Vitiello, référent de la Via Postumia
    Gloria Mari, référente du chemin dei Monaci
    Antonio Rusconi, maire de Bellano et référent du Sentiero del Viandante
    Rita Pelusio, CamminAttrice “Una tappa sul cammino

Gérée par : Alberto Pugnetti, Direttore de Radio Francigena, la voix des chemins.

La rencontre sera transmise en streaming sur Triwù, la web TV de l’innovation et sur la page Facebook de LinC. L’espace final est réservé à la CamminAttrice (jeu de mot entre marcheuse et actrice, ndlt) Rita Pelusio.

Le programme ci-joint est téléchargeable – source : communiqué de presse