On Sunday 14th July the works of “Gargano DOC”, the “School of documentaries on the Paths and Cultural Routes”
, which anticipates and is an integral part of the activities planned for the second edition of “Mònde – Festa del Cinema on Walk “- a production by Apulia Film Commission with funding from the Puglia Region as part of the Apulia Cinefestival Network project, the Gargano National Park Authority and the Municipality of Monte Sant’Angelo for the artistic direction of Luciano Toriello – that this fall, from 10 to October 13, will animate the town of Monte Sant’Angelo.
The School, which brought twelve young aspiring documentarists to the Gargano from 11 to 14 July, was conceived and organized by the Foggia production company “MAD – Memorie Audiovisive della Daunia”, which in turn wanted to entrust training activities to professionals. and to the authors of Istituto Luce-Cinecittà. The initiative also enjoyed the precious collaboration of the “Monte Sant’Angelo Francigena” Association and the patronage of the European Association of Vie Francigene. During the four days of the School, the former Sansone Barracks – a structure set in the heart of the Umbra Forest – has literally turned into a citadel of documentary cinema.
In the shadow of the antiquated beech forest, a UNESCO heritage site, the young participants of the School were in fact able to compare themselves with the four didactic modules provided by the School and dedicated respectively to directing the documentary (by the director David di Donatello as well as the site’s director ‘Archivio Storico Luce, Roland Sejko), editing (entrusted to Luca Onorati, (editor of Istituto Luce-Cinecittà documentaries), to the production of the documentary (with an in-depth study conducted by Maura Cosenza, head of Istituto Luce’s documentaries) Cinecittà) and finally to the research and use of archive material from the Archivio Storico Luce (curated by Cristiano Migliorelli, who is the sales manager of the Archive).
To these, it is to be added a fifth module, which the organizers of the School wanted to call “Constructors of Paths” and which took place, in the form of an informal conversation, on the lawn near the suggestive little lake of the Umbra Forest. For the occasion, the boys had the opportunity to talk about the theme of travel and the journey with Angelofabio Attolico (technical manager of the Via Francigena del Sud and the Cammino Materano), Gianni Sportelli (artistic director “Viandanti Festival: Mediterraneo in cammino”) and with Laura Marchetti, UniFG professor and scientific coordinator of the visionary project promoted by the Puglia Region called “Le strada della Fiaba”.
During the four days there were also plenty of exits and practical activities: aspiring directors visited the historic center of Monte Sant’Angelo, Vico del Gargano – among the most beautiful villages in Italy – and the area of industrial archeology of the former military seaplane base “Ivo Monti” located in the area of the Municipality of Cagnano Varano, practicing at the same time in filming and conducting interviews with local history experts and locals.
The suggestions, the meetings and the material shot in the four days just ended will be the starting point for the realization of three short documentaries – dedicated respectively to the theme of love in the ancient reality of the Gargano countries and set in Vico del Gargano, at fable and the history of the abandoned site of the former seaplane base of Cagnano – that the boys, organized in as many groups, will be able to realize during the summer under the remote supervision of the teachers of the School. The same will also have the opportunity, for the occasion, to draw freely from the repertoire of the Istituto Luce Historical Archive, with the aim of creating three stories that can create a dialogue between past and present.
The works, once closed, will be presented in October during the days of the next edition of “Mònde – Festa del Cinema Cammini”. Gargano DOC, which from the young participating filmmakers was experienced as a highly formative experience but also with a profound unifying value, was able to concretize the intentions of its creators and organizers: to act as an initiative that stimulated the creation of a new lever of professionals of the documentary and at the same time animate and enhance the territory of the Gargano National Park and its extraordinary historical, anthropological and landscape potential.
Source: press release