Via Francigena


RoadShow2020: AEVF in Francia

Ha preso il via il roadshow sulla Via Francigena nel tratto francese: la prima giornata di incontri si è svolta positivamentea a Calais, presso la Cité de la Dentelle et de la mode!

Una giornata di confronto fra i rappresentanti AEVF e le istituzioni locali, associazioni, uffici del turismo con l’obiettivo di promuovere la Via Francigena in Francia.

In questa occasione sono stati presentati la nuova guida ufficiale, il sistema dell’accoglienza e segnaletica, il percorso, la progettazione in corso e il lavoro quotidiano di animazione lungo i territori.

Nel pomeriggio è stata organizzata la visita presso il Beffroi, l’edificio simbolo della città inaugurato nel 1925 e presso Cap-Blanc-Nez, ubicato sulla Via Francigena tra stretto della Monica e Mare del Nord.

Prossime tappe: Peronne, Saint Quentin, Châteauvillain, Châlons-en-Champagne e Besançon. La Francia è in cammino!


Roadshow 2020: EAVF in France

Success of the first day of meetings along the Via Francigena in France!  We gathered together in Calais in the Museum of Lace and Fashion. 
The EAVF team met representatives of municipalities, tourist offices and associations to discuss the development of the Via Francigena along the French route. What a great opportunity to present a new official guide from Canterbury to the Grand St. Bernard Pass, a new map, EAVF actions and activities, European projects and  field work.
In the afternoon, the team visited the City Hall Belfry of Calais and the Cap-Blanc-Nez, a natural monument, on the Via Francigena.
Next steps: Péronne, Saint Quentin, Châlons-en-Champagne, Châteauvillain and Besançon

Roadshow 2020: l’AEVF en France

La première journée de rencontres sur la via Francigena en France, à Calais près de la magnifique Cité de la Dentelle et mode s’est bien déroulée !

L’équipe de l’AEVF a rencontré les représentants des communes, les offices du tourisme, les associations dans le but de développer la Via Francigena le long du parcours français. C’était l’occasion de présenter le nouveau guide officiel de Canterbury au Col du Grand St. Bernard, la carte géographique, le parcours, les projets européens et le travail sur le terrain pour la promotion du chemin.

L’après-midi l’équipe a visité le Beffroi, l’édifice symbole de la ville inauguré en 1925 et le Cap-Blanc-Nez sur la Via Francigena.

Prochaines étapes: Péronne, Saint-Quentin, Châlons-en-Champagne,
Châteauvillain et Besançon.


Via Francigena Sud: deviazione tappa 3 Velletri / Cori

Si seganala che lungo la tappa Velleteri/ Cori si è reso necessario effettuare una modifica al percorso ordinario.

La traccia da seguire è quella riportata nel dettaglio della pagina dedicata del sito ufficiale AEVF oppure quella segnalata nella App Via Francigena disponibile su Playstore e su Apple Store.

Il sentiero che passa tra Via dei Crocefissi e il lago di Giulianello sarà di nuovo percorribile DOPO i lavori previsti e già finanziati dalla Regione Lazio.


Via Francigena in the South: deviation on the Stage 3 in Velletri – Cori

Kindly note a route deviation on the stage Velleteri – Cori.

The track to follow is the one indicated on the EAVF official path page and in the Via Francigena App available on Playstore and Apple Store.

The regular path between Via dei Crocefissi and Lake Giulianello will be accessible again AFTER the end of construction works.


Via Francigena du Sud: déviation étape 3 Velletri / Cori

On signale une modification de l’itinéraire le long de l’étape Velleteri/ Cori.

Le chemin à suivre est celui détaillé sur la page dédiée du site officiel de l’AEVF ou celui présent dans l’Appli Via Francigena disponible sur Google Playstore et Apple Store.

Le chemin qui passe entre la Via dei Crocefissi et le lac de Giulianello sera à nouveau praticable APRÈS les travaux prévus et déjà financés par la Région Latium.


Riapre il Seminario di Berceto- Struttura per ferie

Una buona notizia per i Pellegrini: a Berceto, luogo simbolico per la Via Francigena che fino a pochi giorni fa deficitava di accoglienza pellegrina,  il seminario riapre le sue porte per poter accogliere i viandanti.

La struttura dispone di camere multiple con bagno in comune, visionabili direttamente sul sito del Seminario.

E’ richiesto ai pellerini il sacco a pelo. Chi non lo ha, può comunque richiedere e ricevere le lenzuola.

L’Ostello e il Seminario condividono gli spazi esterni particolarmente ampi. Un parco ampio avvolge la struttura e si apre a un campo da calcio e ad aree verdi dove è possibile giocare al sole e all’ombra. Le zone esterne sono attrezzate con tavoli e sedie per favorire le attività di svago e di incontro. Un cortile interno si presta come spazio giochi all’aria aperta.

PER PRENOTAZIONI (sempre consigliate in questa stagione particolare)
Carlo Devoti Cell. +39 338 1679212
oppure 0521.282951
8:30 – 11:30 (dal lunedì al venerdì)
Prezzo: 20€ pernottamento e 10€ cena (per chi lo desidera)

Reopening of the Hostel in Berceto

Great news: pilgrims’ hostel reopens its doors in Berceto, a symbolic place for the Via Francigena that until recently lacked hospitality.

This facility has a dormitory with a shared bathroom, more information can be consulted directly on the Seminary website.

Sleeping bag is required. Those, who does not have it, can receive bedsheets (without further payment).

The Hostel and the Seminary share a particularly large outdoor space. A large park surrounds the facility, proving access to a football field and green areas where one can relax and enjoy the sun and shade. The outdoor areas are equipped with tables and chairs to facilitate leisure activities. An internal courtyard can be used as an open-air play area.

More information here

FOR RESERVATIONS (recommended in this particular season)

Carlo Devoti Cell. 338 1679212
Or 0521.282951 8:30 – 11:30 (Monday to Friday)

Price: 20€ /night and 10€ dinner (for those who wish)


Réouverture du Séminaire de Berceto- Structure d’accueil

Une bonne nouvelle pour les pèlerins : à Berceto, lieu symbolique de la Via Francigena qui, il y a encore quelques jours, manquait d’une structure d’accueil pour les pèlerins, le Séminaire rouvre ses portes pour accueillir les voyageurs.

La structure dispose de plusieurs chambres avec salle de bain commune, visibles directement sur le site web du Séminaire.

Le sac de couchage est obligatoire pour les pèlerins. Ceux qui ne l’ont pas, peuvent toujours demander et obtenir des draps.

L’Auberge et le Séminaire partagent des espaces extérieurs particulièrement vastes. Un grand parc entoure la structure et s’ouvre sur un terrain de football et des espaces verts où vous pouvez jouer au soleil et à l’ombre. Les espaces extérieurs sont équipés de tables et de chaises pour faciliter les activités de loisirs et de réunion. Une cour intérieure se prête à une aire de jeu en plein air.

Voici les informations pour accéder à la structure.

POUR LES RÉSERVATIONS (recommandées en cette saison particulière)


Carlo Devoti, tél. portable +39 338 1679212

ou tél. fixe (+33) 0521.282951

8h30 – 11h30 (du lundi au vendredi)

Prix : 20€ la nuitée et 10€ le dîner (pour ceux qui le souhaitent)



“Bike Riding with Parkinson For Italy” along the Via Francigena

Stefano Ghidotti, president and founder of the Association “Parkinson & Sport” and Simone Masotti met during an interview. Their beautiful friendship was born immediately: together they to realise their dream into a project – the first of three bike trips along the Via Francigena, starting 5 September for nine days and a total of 791 km.Here how Simone explains their initiative:

“My name is Simone, I’m 44 and for fifteen years Parkinson’s has been keeping me company. I have always had a passion for cycling and after the diagnosis I have been using every day to move and to play sports. Four years ago I was implanted a neurostimulator. During the first year it was not easy but then thanks to the bike I was able to resume normal daily activities.

Last year I crossed all islands of the Kvarner Bay in Croatia by bike with four friends. A few weeks after I met Stefano for an interview on his Facebook page Parkinson Sport and we started preparing future projects. A bike trip through Italy, meeting with various Parkinson’s associations along the route, meeting friends and members at each stage to talk about sports and movement. We immediately liked the idea! “

That is how “Bike riding with Parkinson for Italy” project was born. To cover all Italy, from north to south and from east to west, we will divide it into three trips, one per year. This year we decided to travel from Pavia to Rome along the Via Francigena, a route which we will follow for 9 stages.

It is a bicycle trip bringing a message of hope and fighting Parkinson’s via sports.

Consult further details about the project on the website “Parkinson & Triathlon”