Via Francigena


Via Francigena nomination to the UNESCO World Heritage List: application development

The high-level consultation meeting on the topic of the UNESCO World Heritage candidacy of the Via Francigena route took place on 28 May 2020 by teleconference.

This first major international meeting between ministerial officials from four countries of the Via Francigena (Italy, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Holy See) was organized by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Activities and Tourism MIBACT and coordinated by Adele Cesi (Italy, MIBACT). It bought together Enid Williams (United Kingdom, Ministry of Culture) and Mike Collins (United Kingdom, Historic England), Oliver Martin (Switzerland, Federal Office of Culture), Alessandra Uncini and Maria Serlupi (Holy See, Vatican Museum).

The European Association of the Via Francigena ways EAVF was represented by the members of the EAVF technical group: Paola Falini, professor of urban planning at the University of Rome, Luca Bruschi, EAVF director, and Luca Faravelli, EAVF project manager. Since 2017 the EAVF technical group has been working on the UNESCO World Heritage candidacy of the Via Francigena, representing the Italian regions on behalf of the Tuscany Region and in collaboration with the Lombardy Region.

The meeting focused on the presentation of the Via Francigena European Framework Study from Canterbury to Rome, prepared by the EAVF. Within this study the individual national sections were illustrated, which can be separately submitted to the World Heritage List, nevertheless keeping the universal value of the route unquestionable.

Adele Cesi presented historic research and scientific methodology of the Framework Study and illustrated the work conducted from 2015 to the present day, starting from the communication between the MiBACT, the Tuscany Region and the EAVF, subsequent training of the scientific working group and sharing the application process with ICOMOS and UNESCO representatives in Paris in March 2018.

The successful cooperation resulted into the publication of the “Preliminary analysis for the candidacy of the Via Francigena to the UNESCO Word Heritage” of the Italian section, carried out in May 2018, and inclusion of the route in the Italian tentative list as a serial nomination in January 2019.

The work continued by the publication of the European Framework Study in preparation for the candidacy of the entire route from Canterbury to Rome. The latter dossier, presented to the MIBACT in the end of September 2019, suggests a division of the European section into ten thematic geographical areas.

The main topics discussed during the meeting were the definition of the Via Francigena, its universal value and identification criteria for over 500 properties indicated in the “Classification Study”.

The EAVF group presented a selection of cartographic maps from the English, French, Swiss and Italian sections, specifying the methodology adopted from a geographical, historical and cultural points of view.

The next meeting will take place on 24 June 2020.

More information on


Candidature de la Via Francigena au Patrimoine Mondial de l’UNESCO. Un important pas en avant.

Réunion des représentants des Ministères de l’Italie, de la Suisse, du Royaume-Uni, du Vatican et de l’AEVF.

Le jeudi 28 mai, s’est tenue la première réunion internationale importante entre les fonctionnaires ministériels des quatre Pays de la Via Francigena (Italie, Suisse, Royaume-Uni, Saint-Siège) organisée par le Ministère italien du Patrimoine des Biens Culturels. A cette réunion, organisée et coordonnée par Adele Cesi (Italie, MIBACT), ont participé Enid Williams (Royaume-Uni, Ministère de la Culture), Mike Collins (Royaume-Uni, Historic England), Oliver Martin (Suisse, Office Fédéral de la culture), Alessandra Uncini et Maria Serlupi (Saint-Siège, Musées du Vatican).

Pour l’Association Européenne des Chemins des Chemins de la Via Francigena ont participé Paola Falini, professeur d’urbanisme à l’Université de Rome, Luca Bruschi, directeur de l’AEVF et Luca Faravelli, chef de projet de l’AEVF, composant le groupe technique de l’AEVF qui, à partir de 2017, au nom de la Région de Toscane et en collaboration avec la Région de Lombardie, représentant les régions italiennes de la VF, en charge de la candidature de la VF au Patrimoine Mondial de l’UNESCO.

A été présentée « l’étude du cadre européen » du tronçon Canterbury-Rome de la VF, rédigé par l’AEVF, et les différentes sections nationales individuelles ont été illustrées, qui pourront ensuite être candidates séparément au Patrimoine Mondial de l’UNESCO.

Adele Cesi a présenté la méthodologie historique et scientifique des travaux à la base de « l’étude du cadre européen » et a retracé les étapes du travail effectué de 2015 à aujourd’hui, en commençant par le début des contacts entre le MiBACT, la Région Toscane et l’AEVF, la formation ultérieure du groupe de travail scientifique et le partage du processus de candidature avec les représentants de l’ICOMOS et de l’UNESCO à Paris en mars 2018.

Les résultats tangibles de ce travail ont été doubles : premièrement, la publication de l’« Analyse préliminaire pour la candidature de la Via Francigena au Patrimoine Mondial de l’UNESCO » de la section italienne, réalisée en mai 2018 et  insérée en janvier 2019 dans la liste provisoire italienne ( ; ensuite la publication de « l’étude du cadre européen » préparatoire à la candidature du parcours de Canterbury à Rome. Ce dernier dossier, présenté au MIBACT fin septembre 2019, voit la subdivision des sentiers européens en dix zones géographiques thématiques.

Au cours de la discussion, les principaux thèmes de la candidature ont été approfondis : définition de Via Francigena ; valeur universelle de la Via Francigena ; critères d’identification de plus de 500 biens indiqués dans « l’étude du cadre européen ».

Le groupe de l’AEVF a présenté une sélection de cartes cartographiques réalisées pour les tronçons anglais, français, suisse et italien, en spécifiant la méthodologie adoptée d’un point de vue géographique, historique et culturel.

La deuxième réunion aura lieu le mercredi 24 juin prochain.

Plus d’informations :


EAVF partecipa al webinar del Consiglio d’Europa

L’Associazione Europea Vie Francigene partecipa al webinar organizzato dal Consiglio d’Europa nel Programma degli itinerari culturali.La teleconferenza “Covid-19 e gli itinerari culturali del Consiglio d’Europa: impatti e conseguenze” ha avuto luogo il 28 maggio, coinvolgendo rappresentanti di 38 itinerari culturali certificati, l’Istituto europeo degli itinerari culturali e l’Organizzazione mondiale del turismo.

Il webinar si è concentrato sulla valutazione degli impatti preliminari del COVID-19 sugli itinerari culturali e sulle strategie di recupero.

L’impatto della pandemia di COVID-19 sul settore culturale e turistico si fa sentire in tutta Europa e le reti degli itinerari culturali sono state gravemente colpite dalla situazione attuale. Molte attività riguardanti i percorsi culturali sono state annullate o rinviate, tra cui molti eventi importanti, come conferenze, riunioni statutarie e festival.

Tuttavia, affrontando una situazione difficile, gli itinerari hanno trovato modi innovativi per continuare il loro lavoro in formato digitalizzato, realizzando  eventi tramite teleconferenze. Numerosi  Enti e associazioni hanno organizzato webinar online per membri e stakeholders, corsi digitali e formazione a distanza, nonché campagne di comunicazione e social.

AEVF, rappresentato da Elena Dubinina, responsabile per le relazioni internazionali degli itinerari culturali, ha condiviso le migliori pratiche dell’Associazione per la ripresa dal Covid-19 e il  nuovo piano di comunicazione:  chiamato “Mantieni viva l’esperienza”, incentrato su pellegrini e camminatori da un lato e sui membri AEVF dall’altro.

La comunicazione mirata a pellegrini e camminatori comprende una serie di trasmissioni settimanali in diretta Facebook e Instagram che ospitano scrittori, cantanti, fotografi e appassionati del percorso ispirati al motto “Viaggia da casa con il cuore”. Questa strategia di comunicazione ha portato 5k nuovi follower sui social media con una media per video di circa 15k persone in ognuna delle ultime 20 trasmissioni.

La comunicazione con gli stakeholders della Associazione si concentra su un chiaro flusso di informazioni sulle direttive nazionali e regionali, nonché sulle strategie di comunicazione dedicate all’accoglienza, le strutture turistiche e altri  servizi durante le fasi Covid e post-Covid.

Un rappresentante dell’Organizzazione mondiale del turismo ha presentato le raccomandazioni dell’UNWTO per la ripresa del turismo, che includono:

  • Migliorare lo scambio di informazioni e dati,
  • Lancio di partnership innovative,
  • Rafforzamento della struttura di governance,
  • Attrarre nuovo pubblico,
  • Passare dalla quantità alla qualità.

AEVF, seguendo una serie di strategie di comunicazione, è stata in grado di attrarre nuovi followers e ha aumentato l’interesse per il percorso e il turismo lento . Attraverso webinar e teleconferenze ha rafforzato la rete di autorità pubbliche – membri dell’associazione e stakeholders privati, ​​attraverso un approccio partecipativo in gruppi di discussione chiusi.

Il percorso della Via Francigena è un ottimo esempio di destinazione transfrontaliera resiliente in grado di superare l’emergenza sanitaria e contribuire alle comunità locali e al benessere di escursionisti e pellegrini lungo il percorso.


EAVF participates in the Council of Europe webinar

The European Association of the Via Francigena ways EAVF participate in the webinar organised by the Council of Europe Cultural Routes programme.

The teleconference “Covid-19 and the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe: Impacts and Responses” took place on 28 May. It involved 50 representatives of 38 certified Cultural Routes, the European Institute of Cultural Routes and the World Tourism Organization.

The webinar focused on assessment of the preliminary impacts of COVID-19 on the Cultural Routes and on the recovery strategy.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the cultural and tourism sector is being felt across Europe and the world and Cultural Routes networks have been seriously impacted by the current situation. Many activities of the Cultural Routes were cancelled or postponed, including important events, conferences, statutory meetings and festivals.

However, facing a challenging situation, the routes found innovative ways to continue their work in digitalised format, conducting events by teleconferences. Many routes organised online webinars for their members and stakeholders, prepared digital courses, and capacity building as well as launched communication campaigns.

The EAVF, represented by Elena Dubinina, cultural routes and international relations advisor, shared associations’ best practices of Covid-19 recovery: its new communication plan. The communication plan called “Keep the experience alive” is focused on pilgrims and walkers on one hand and on the EAVF members on the other hand.

The targeted communication to pilgrims and walkers includes a series of weekly live broadcasts on Facebook and Instagram hosting inspirational writes, singers, photographers, and route’s enthusiasts under a motto “Travel from home with your heart”. This communication tactics has brought 5k new followers on social media with an average outreach of each video being about 15k people for the past 20 broadcasts.

The communication with EAVF public and private stakeholders is focused on clear information flow about national and regional directives as well as on the communication strategies for hospitality receptions and service providers during the Covid and post-Covid phases.

A representative of the World Tourism Organization presented the UNWTO recommendations for tourism recovery, which include:

  • Improving information and data exchange,
  • Launching innovative partnerships,
  • Strengthening governance structure,
  • Attracting new audience,
  • Shifting from quantity to quality.

The EAVF, following its communication strategies, has been able to attract new followers and raised interest to the route and slow tourism. Via webinars and teleconferences it reinforced the network of public authorities – members of the association and reassured private stakeholders via participative approach in closed discussion groups.

The Via Francigena route is a great example of a resilient transborder destination capable to recover the health emergency and contribute to local communities and wellbeing of walkers and pilgrims en route.


L’AEVF participe au webinaire du Conseil de l’Europe

L’Association Européenne des Chemins de la Via Francigena participe au webinaire organisé par le Conseil de l’Europe dans le cadre du programme des Itinéraires culturels. La visioconférence “Covid-19 et les itinéraires culturels du Conseil de l’Europe : impacts et conséquences” a eu lieu le 28 mai, impliquant les représentants de 38 itinéraires culturels certifiés, l’Institut Européen des Itinéraires Culturels et l’Organisation mondiale du Tourisme.

Le webinaire s’est concentré sur l’évaluation des impacts préliminaires de COVID-19 sur les itinéraires culturels et les stratégies de récupération.

L’impact de la pandémie COVID-19 sur le secteur culturel et touristique se fait sentir dans toute l’Europe et les réseaux des itinéraires culturels ont été gravement touchés par la situation actuelle. De nombreuses activités concernant les itinéraires culturels ont été annulées ou reportées, y compris de nombreux événements importants tels que des conférences, des réunions statutaires et des festivals.

Cependant, face à une situation difficile, les Chemins ont trouvé des moyens innovants pour poursuivre leur travail sous forme numérique en organisant des événements par visioconférences. De nombreuses organisations et associations ont organisé des webinaires en ligne pour les membres et les parties prenantes, des cours numériques et des formations à distance, ainsi que des campagnes de communication et des campagnes sur les réseaux sociaux.

L’AEVF, représentée par Elena Dubinina, responsable des relations internationales des itinéraires culturels, a partagé les meilleures pratiques de l’Association pour la récupération du Covid-19 et le nouveau plan de communication : appelé “Keep the experience alive”, il est axé sur les pèlerins et les marcheurs d’un côté et les membres de l’AEVF de l’autre.

La communication destinée aux pèlerins et aux marcheurs comprend une série d’émissions hebdomadaires en direct sur Facebook et Instagram qui accueillent des écrivains, des chanteurs, des photographes et des marcheurs inspirés par la devise “Voyagez de chez vous avec votre cœur”. Cette stratégie de communication a attiré 5 000 nouveaux adeptes sur les médias sociaux, avec une moyenne par vidéo d’environ 15 000 personnes dans chacune des 20 dernières diffusions.

La communication avec les parties prenantes de l’Association se concentre sur un flux d’informations clair sur les lignes directrices nationales et régionales, ainsi que sur les stratégies de communication consacrées à l’hébergement, aux installations touristiques et aux autres services pendant les phases de Covid et post-Covid.

Un représentant de l’Organisation mondiale du tourisme a présenté les recommandations de l’OMT pour la reprise du tourisme, qui comprennent :

  • Améliorer l’échange d’informations et de données,
  • Lancement de partenariats innovants,
  • Renforcer la structure de gouvernance,
  • Attirer de nouveaux publics,
  • Passer de la quantité à la qualité.

L’AEVF, grâce à une série de stratégies de communication, a pu attirer de nouveaux adeptes et a renforcé l’intérêt pour l’itinéraire et pour le slow tourisme. Par le biais de webinaires et de visioconférences, l’association a renforcé le réseau des autorités publiques – membres d’associations et acteurs privés, grâce à une approche participative dans des groupes de discussion fermés.

L’itinéraire de la Via Francigena est un excellent exemple de destination transfrontalière résistante capable de surmonter la crise sanitaire et de contribuer aux communautés locales et au bien-être des randonneurs et des pèlerins le long du parcours.



AEVF interviene alla conferenza finale del progetto europeo Cult Ring Interreg

Il 26 maggio 2020 l’Associazione europea delle Vie Francigene ha partecipato alla conferenza finale del progetto Cult-Ring Interreg Europe,  che ha avuto luogo in videoconferenza. Il progetto Cult-Ring – Percorsi culturali come investimento per la crescita e l’occupazione – è stato realizzato tra il 2017-2020 sotto la gestione di ECTN, European Cultural Tourism Network, in collaborazione con Europa Nostra e la European Travel Commission. È un progetto di cooperazione interregionale per migliorare le politiche del patrimonio naturale e culturale nell’ambito del programma Interreg Europe.

Tra le tante regioni italiane, partecipanti al progetto, era presente Regione Lazio  – membro AEVF, che ha rappresentato la Via Francigena e beneficiato direttamente del Cult-Ring.

La conferenza finale ha riunito tutte le parti interessate del progetto ed ha ospitato le presentazioni del deputato europeo István Ujhelyi, vicepresidente della Commissione Trasporti e Turismo al Parlamento Europeo, Sneška Quaedvlieg – Mihailovic, il segretario generale di Europa Nostra e Iulia Niculica della European Travel Commission.

AEVF, rappresentata in conferenza da Elena Dubinina, responsabile delle relazioni internazionali riguardanti gli itinerari culturali, ha fatto un intervento sull’importanza strategica dei percorsi culturali in generale e della Via Francigena, in particolare per lo sviluppo del turismo sostenibile a livello regionale e locale. La Via Francigena attraversa le aree rurali di Inghilterra, Francia, Svizzera e Italia, offrendo un’esperienza fuori dal comune a pellegrini ed escursionisti, offre vantaggi diretti alle comunità locali e stimola la creazione di piccole e medie imprese. Questo percorso culturale di scambio, esperienze condivise e dialogo può contribuire in modo significativo alla ripresa del turismo post Covid-19.

Silvio Marino del Dipartimento Turismo della Regione Lazio ha sottolineato come la Via Francigena offra una fantastica opportunità di viaggio lento e scoperta culturale nel regione, introducendo i viaggiatori a tradizioni, patrimonio culturale ed enogastronomico. Il lento viaggio lungo la Via Francigena rappresenta opportunità economiche per professionisti e imprenditori del turismo locale, nonché ai rappresentanti del patrimonio e delle industrie creative.

La Regione Lazio è di importanza strategica per la Via Francigena, in quanto è la regione finale dell’itinerario di Sigerico verso Roma e la prima sezione della Via Francigena nel sud. Ecco perché lo sviluppo del percorso su questo tratto è vitale per AEVF.

AEVF è membro della Cultural Tourism Network ECTN, che ha elogiato l’Associazione, per la sua attività di sviluppo turistico transfrontaliero attraverso il premio ECTN per le destinazioni di turismo sostenibile 2019. Inoltre, AEVF insieme ECTN, ha presentato una candidatura per il progetto HORIZON 2020 ed è in attesa dei risultati previsti per agosto 2020.


EAVF contributes to the final conference of the Cult Ring Interreg project

On 26 May 2020 the European Association of the Via Francigena ways EAVF participated in the Final Conference of the Cult-Ring Interreg Europe project, which took place by a videoconference.The Cult-Ring – Cultural Routes as Investment for Growth and Jobs – project was carried out in 2017-2020 under the management of the European Cultural Tourism Network ECTN in partnership with the Europa Nostra and the European Travel Commission. It is an inter-regional cooperation project for improving natural and cultural heritage policies in the Interreg Europe Programme.

Among many regions participating in the project, it was the Lazio region – the EAVF member, which represented the Via Francigena and directly benefited from the Cult-Ring.

The final conference brought together all the stakeholders of the project and enjoyed presentations of István Ujhelyi MEP, Vice-Chair of Transport and Tourism Committee in the European Parliament; Sneška Quaedvlieg – Mihailovic, Europa Nostra Secretary-General and Iulia Niculica from the European Travel Commission.

The EAVF, represented at the conference by Elena Dubinina, cultural routes and international relations advisor, made an intervention about importance of cultural routes in general and the Via Francigena in particular for development of sustainable tourism on regional and local levels. The Via Francigena crosses rural areas in England, France, Switzerland, and Italy. It provides off-the-beaten-track experience to pilgrims and walkers, giving direct benefits to local communities and stimulating creation of small and medium enterprises. This cultural route of exchange, shared experience and dialogue can significantly contribute to the post-Covid tourism recovery.

Silvio Marino from the Lazio Regional Department of Tourism highlighted that the Via Francigena provides a fantastic opportunity of slow travel and cultural discovery in the Lazio region, introducing travellers to its traditions, heritage, gastronomy and eno-culture. The slow journey along the Via Francigena gives economic opportunities to regional and local tourism professionals and entrepreneurs as well as to representatives of heritage and creative industries.

The Lazio region is of strategic importance for the Via Francigena, as it is the final region of the Sigeric’s route to Rome and the first section of the Via Francigena in the South. That is why development of the route on this stretch is vital for the EAVF.

The EAVF is a member of the European Cultural Tourism Network ECTN. It was praised for its sustainable transborder tourism development by the ECTN award for Sustainable Tourism Destinations 2019. The EAVF together with the ECTN applied for a Horizon 2020 project, expecting final results in August 2020.


L’AEVF intervient à la conférence finale du projet européen Cult Ring Interreg

Le 26 mai 2020, l’Association Européenne des Chemins de la Via Francigena a participé à la conférence finale du projet Cult-Ring Interreg Europe, qui s’est déroulée par visioconférence. Le projet Cult-Ring – Itinéraires Culturels comme investissements pour la croissance et l’emploi – a été réalisé entre 2017-2020 sous la gestion de l’ECTN, European Cultural Tourism Network, en collaboration avec Europa Nostra et la European Travel Commission (ETC). Il s’agit d’un projet de coopération interrégionale visant à améliorer les politiques relatives au patrimoine naturel et culturel dans le cadre du programme Interreg Europe.

Parmi les nombreuses régions italiennes participantes au projet, la région du Latium était présente en tant que membre de l’AEVF, bénéficiaire directe du Cult-Ring et représentante de la Via Francigena.

La conférence finale a rassemblé toutes les parties prenantes du projet et a accueilli des présentations du député européen István Ujhelyi, vice-président de la Commission des Transports et du Tourisme du Parlement Européen, de Sneška Quaedvlieg – Mihailovic, secrétaire générale d’Europa Nostra et de Iulia Niculica de la European Travel Commission.

L’AEVF, représentée à la conférence par Elena Dubinina, responsable des relations internationales concernant les itinéraires culturels, a fait un discours sur l’importance stratégique des itinéraires culturels en général et de la Via Francigena en particulier pour le développement du tourisme durable au niveau régional et local. La Via Francigena traverse les zones rurales d’Angleterre, de France, de Suisse et d’Italie, offrant une expérience extraordinaire aux pèlerins et aux randonneurs, offrant des avantages directs aux communautés locales et stimulant la création de petites et moyennes entreprises. Cet itinéraire culturel d’échange, de partage d’expériences et de dialogue peut contribuer de manière significative à la relance du tourisme post-Covid-19.

Silvio Marino, du Département du Tourisme de la Région du Latium, a souligné que la Via Francigena offre une occasion extraordinaire de voyager lentement et de découvrir la culture de la région, en faisant découvrir aux voyageurs les traditions, le patrimoine culturel, la nourriture et le vin. Le lent trajet le long de la Via Francigena représente des opportunités économiques pour les professionnels du tourisme et les entrepreneurs locaux ainsi que pour les représentants des industries du patrimoine et de la création.

La Région du Latium est d’une importance stratégique pour la Via Francigena, car elle est la dernière région de l’itinéraire de Sigéric vers Rome et le premier tronçon de la Via Francigena du sud. C’est pourquoi le développement de l’itinéraire sur ce tronçon est vital pour l’AEVF.

L’AEVF est membre du réseau Cultural Tourism Network ECTN, qui a fait l’éloge de l’Association pour son activité de développement du tourisme transfrontalier par le biais du prix ECTN des destinations touristiques durables 2019. De plus, l’AEVF, en collaboration avec l’ECTN, a soumis une demande d’adhésion au projet HORIZON 2020 et attend les résultats prévus en août 2020.


Nuova segnaletica lungo il primo tratto della Via Francigena, da Canterbury a Dover

Buone notizie da Canterbury ed il primo tratto inglese del cammino. Riportiamo la news pubblicata dalla Confraternity Pilgrims to Rome, amici dell’AEVF.

A marzo, il Kent Downs, partner del Green Pilgrimage Project ha ricevuto un finanziamento di € 124.040 dal programma Interreg Europe per investire nella Via Francigena da Canterbury a Dover.

E’ giunto alla fase finale il Green Pilgrimage Project, in cui sei regioni europee nel Regno Unito, Romania, Norvegia, Svezia e Italia (la regione Puglia è stata partner di progetto) hanno condiviso le best practices nella gestione e promozione delle rotte di pellegrinaggio.

Il Kent Downs ha ricevuto il finanziamento con lo scopo di realizzare un progetto pilota lungo le sezioni britanniche della Francigena. I membri della Confraternity Pilgrims to Rome che hanno già camminato sulla Via Francigena da Canterbury a Dover, hanno potuto notare che sebbene il percorso sia ben tenuto e semplice da seguire, ci sono pochi segni che indicano che si sta percorrendo lo storico itinerario. La segnaletica si può perdere facilmente.

Questo finanziamento sarà utilizzato quindi proprio per installare una segnaletica nuova e funzionale, pannelli informativi in ​​luoghi di interesse storico, panchine scolpite in punti panoramici dove i pellegrini possono riposare e ammirare i panorami e punti d’acqua.

Il Kent Downs prevede di installare la nuova segnaletica entro la primavera del 2021. Si prevedono alcuni ritardi a causa delle attuali limitazioni causate dal coronavirus, tuttavia, i leader del progetto sono ottimisti sul fatto che i miglioramenti sul percorso avverranno in tempo per i primi pellegrini che si rimetteranno in viaggio.

I progetti per la segnaletica sono attualmente in fase di approvazione. Verrà utilizzato il pellegrino ufficiale della Via Francigena.

Fonte: Confraternity Pilgrims to Rome


New signage along the Via Francigena from Canterbury to Dover

Good news from Canterbury and the English route of the Via Francigena. Below is the news from the Confraternity of Pilgrims to Rome, friends of the EAVF.

In March, The Kent Downs, a partner in the Green Pilgrimage Project, was approved for €124,040 in funding by Interreg Europe to invest in the Via Francigena from Canterbury to Dover. 

This is the final stage of the Green Pilgrimage Project in which six European regions in the UK, Romania, Norway, Sweden and Italy (Apulia region was the Italian partner of this project) exchanged best practices in managing and promoting pilgrimage routes.

The Kent Downs has been awarded this funding to carry out a pilot project on the UK sections of the Francigena, drawing on lessons learned during this exchange in practice.  For those CPR members who have already experienced the VF from Canterbury to Dover, you will have noticed that although the route is well-maintained and quite easy to follow, there is little evidence that you are actually on the Francigena. 

Francigena signage is easy to miss and there are few pilgrim-friendly provisions.  This funding will be used to install new and more consistent signage, information boards at places of historic interest, sculpted benches at scenic spots where pilgrims can rest and take in the views and water points.

The Kent Downs are aiming to install the new signage by spring 2021.  Some delays are expected because of the current limitations caused by the coronavirus. However, the project leaders at The Kent Downs are optimistic that improvements to the route will installed in time for the first pilgrims setting out on the route once restrictions are lifted. 

The designs for the signage are currently going through the approval process and we expect to be able to ‘unveil’ them in the next e-newsletter of the Cofraternity Pilgrims to Rome.  

Source: Confraternity Pilgrims to Rome