The design competition for the construction of urban furnishings dedicated to tourists – pilgrims – citizens along the Via Francigena and the path of San Colombano has been published.
The purpose of the competition, announced by the 6 Municipalities located along the historical roads in the province of Piacenza (Pontenure, Alseno, Cadeo, Calendasco, Fiorenzuola d’Arda, Gragnano Trebbiense), is to identify a pilot project of “francigeni furnishings” to narrate the territory and create dialogue between tourists/pilgrims and citizens; this will strengthen the unity of “Francigena in Comune” urban regeneration strategy co-financed by the region of Emilia-Romagna, with the possibility of being replicable in other Municipalities along the historical paths in the future.
The competition was presented by Vito Redaelli, project manager of the strategy on behalf of local administrationson, 15th July at the headquarters of the Order of Architects PPC of Piacenza in the presence six representatives of the municipalities involved, partners of the project and the European Association of Via Francigena Ways .
The deadline for registrations and documentation is noon on 1st October 2019 and will be managed anonymously online thanks to the Order of Architects Bologna platform. The first place prize will be 7,000 euros, but there will also be prizes for second and third place, as well as special mentions. Find the announcement and information here:
The competition seeks the most innovative solutions for these “francigeni furnishings”:
- for the quality of the proposed design;
- for the coherence of the project with reference to cultural and geographical values of the Via Francigena and its inclusion in the different landscape contexts;
- for the reflection of characteristics of: essentiality, sobriety, solidity, flexibility and replicability in other places;
- for the response to the specific features required by the competition (dialogue, orientation, refreshment, rest, energy, interactivity);
- for the incorporation of multimedia, augmented reality and a communication project in order to activate “user experiences” in the territory. The appeal of places increasingly derives from the ability to communicate their socio-cultural features, enabling different targets (for both local citizens, tourists or city users) to experience things in an authentic way.
The competition is open to Architects and Engineers enrolled in their respective professional associations or professional registers in their countries of origin, qualified to practice the profession at the date of publication of this Competition, in possession of suitable insurance coverage and which do not incur in the reasons of exclusion pursuant to art. 80 of Legislative Decree 50/2016.
The jury will be chaired by Marco Ferreri, architect and designer, by the director of the international magazine “Abitare”, as well as members nominated by the Politecnico di Milano (Polo di Piacenza), by the Order of Architects of Piacenza, by the European Association of Via Francigena Ways and the Common leader of Pontenure.