A pilgrimage in Italy from Brenner to Santa Maria di Leuca, accompanied by Francisco Sancho.
“The Union Route” is a project proposed by the Associazione CamminiAmo based in Nove, in the province of Vicenza. A walking tour from 2nd July to 30th September, composed of a 91-stage relay over 1900km long, divided into 9 sections that will touch 7 regions.
The trip, sponsored by the European Association of the Vie Francigene, will involve about 100 people divided into small groups, accompanied by the pilgrim Francisco Sancho, Spanish of origin but adopted by Vicenza, who made the pilgrimage on foot as an expression of Christian life.
“The CTG CamminiAmo group was born from the confrontation with many people wishing to make a pilgrimage in Italy, as a group, but they did not know how, where and with whom – explain the organisers – that’s why we decided to encourage people to walk together. In fact, we would like everyone to have the opportunity to experience an authentic pilgrimage where one walks horizontally, looking vertically, sharing joy but also listening to the voice of one’s heart in silence … where one finds the essence of oneself.”
The CamminiAmo association aims to organise pilgrimages in order to: recover and spread the wayfarer instinct and promote the Network of Walkways and Historical Routes of pilgrimage already existent in Italy.
“In the future, our greatest desire is to journey along all the ways of pilgrimage in Italy, one by one – add the organisers – we believe that the project can enhance the many paths (unknown to most) of our beautiful country, and help people comprehend the idea that you can start walking, even for a few days, without having travel by plane. If you have seen the beauty of this project, I invite you to spread it“.
The program:
- Section 1: Brennero – Trento (2/07 to 10/07), 176 km in 8 stagess
- Section 2: Trento – Padua (10/07 – 20/07), 226 km in 10 stages
- Section 3: Padua – Bologna (20/07 – 27/07), 164 km in 7 stages
- Section 4: Bologna – La Verna (27/07 – 05/08) 203 km in 9 stages
- Section 5: La Verna – Assisi (05/08 – 11/08) 140 km in 6 stages
- Section 6: Assisi – Rome (11/08 to 23/08), 251 km in 12 stages
- Section 7: Rome – Monte Sant’Angelo (23/08 to 14/09), 486 km in 22 stages
- Section 8: Monte Sant’Antelo – Brindisi (14/09 to 25/09) 263 km in 11 stages
- Section 9: Brindisi – Santa Maria di Leuca (25/09 to 30/09), 142 km in 6 stages
Which section is right for you? For more info and registration: www.associazionecamminiamo.it
mail: ass.camminiamo@gmail.com
Cell. 388.3258880 Tuesday and Thursday from 20:00 to 22:00
Download the brochure below