Via Francigena

Intanto parto..Tales and prose on the road

Picture of Redazione AEVF
Redazione AEVF

The second edition of “Intanto parto..Racconti e parole in cammino” was presented at the Regional Council in Florence: the Betti Editrice literary prize on slow journeys and the story of the paths.

The initiative, supported by the Tuscany Region and the European Association of the Via Francigena Ways (EAVF), arises from the desire to give space to emerging authors who, starting from the Via Francigena, can tell their story slowly, allowing the reader to discover places and traditions of Italian territories.

Present at the presentation conference were: the President of the Tuscan Assembly, Eugenio Giani, the Regional Councillor, Francesco Gazzetti, the Councillor for Tourism of the region of Tuscany, Stefano Ciuoffo, the Mayor of Monteriggioni, Raffaella Senesi, the Mayor of Pontremoli and EAVF Vice President, Lucia Baracchini, Editor, Luca Betti and journalist, Selin Sanli.

The publisher Betti introduced the award, illustrating the project as a whole as well as its potential. The representatives of different partners have emphasised how such initiatives have a high cultural importance and represent an excellent opportunity to enhance the territory and to make the population participate. Finally, the journalist Selin Sanli presented the prize. The press conference was also attended by some representatives of the municipalities of Lucca and Fucecchio and journalists from different newspapers.

The award, which was premiered at the Turin Book Fair, offers a specific section for young people under the age of 25. The prize will be open to beginner and authors first-time authors, writing in Italian, who can present (in story form) the theme of the ancient Via Francigena and other paths in different ways. The authors must indicate their date of birth which will automatically assign them to one of the two categories (under 25 or over 25).

Traveling slowly to discover places and traditions is now an opportunity to narrate a journey that goes beyond pilgrimage, and which extends to the exploration of the territories, of its people and of the history that hides behind the stories of individuals. The second edition of the literary prize proposes to look for authors who can understand and present these paths to the public through a new and original perspective, narrating the territory through unprecedented interpretations. The first 10 stories for each of the two categories will be published by Betti Editrice, promoted and distributed locally and nationally.

The award ceremonies will be held in Monteriggioni (SI) and Pontremoli (LU) at the beginning of 2019, on a date to be defined. Additional prizes for special mentions will be announced in the coming months. The deadline to participate in the award is 15th October. The award will be supported by the leading municipalities of the Via Francigena in Tuscany (Pontremoli, Lucca, Fucecchio and Siena), representing all 39 Municipalities of the Via Francigena. Collaborators include the administrations of Pontremoli and Monteriggioni, which will host the award ceremonies.

Download the complete announcement and participation form below.

For more information, visit the website