Via Francigena

Via Francigena and St Francis’ Way: Always More Usable Thanks to State Financing

Picture of Redazione AEVF
Redazione AEVF

State funds have been allocated to Emilia-Romagna for implementation of 37 projects on territories of Piacenza, Parma, Rimini and Forlì-Cesena.
These new projects for the Via Francigena and the St Francis’ Way are financed with 2.8 million euros allocated to Emilia-Romagna by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage.
The interventions are aimed at improving the viability of the paths of the Via Francigena on the territory of Piacenza and Parma from the River Po to the ridge on the border with Tuscany (1.65 million euros) and the St Francis’ Way, in the Rimini area, along Val Marecchia (1.2 million euros) to enhance and promote the tourist offer of Emilia-Romagna.

More specifically, 17 interventions are carried out in 12 Municipalities involved in the Via Francigena: six in Piacenza area in Calendasco, Piacenza, Pontenure, Cadeo, Fiorenzuola, Alseno; six in Parma area in Fidenza, Medesano, Noceto, Fornovo di Taro, Terenzo, Berceto. The work will also start in twenty construction sites in nine Municipalities of the St Francis’ Way in Romagna: in Rimini, Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna, Verucchio, San Leo, Poggio Torriana, Maiolo, Novafeltria, Sant’Agata Feltria, Verghereto.

For both paths, the works will concern the route safety on sections with critical issues in terms of usability and protection of people (hydrogeological arrangement of sections subject to landslides, restoration of the path network, arrangement of fords and piers, safety of pedestrians in the stretches along the busy roads), development of infrastructures to allow better access to paths or points of artistic interest (interchange car parks near inhabited centers, equipped parking areas, connecting cycle paths) and widespread signage and information points.

In particular, there are two strategic interventions for the St Francis’ Way: construction of a new pedestrian “walkway”, a “new Tibetan bridge” that will allow safe connection between two banks of the Marecchia stream in Pietracuta-Saiano – currently passable with ford in the summer months only – and special and delicate interventions for conservation of a centuries-old Cypress of St Francis in the Monastery of Villa Verucchio.

Source: Ferrara Italia