Via Francigena

Via Francigena in Lombardy region: publication of 2 Maps for Better Promotion of the Territory

Picture of Redazione AEVF
Redazione AEVF

The Via Francigena in Lombardy has two new maps dedicated to the itinerary in the province of Lodi and Pavia.
This is a new important tool for promoting the area in the framework of the project “La Via Francigena in Lombardy. Towards the UNESCO candidacy”, financed by the Lombardy Region and implemented by the European Association of the Via Francigena Ways (EAVF) with the support of the Province of Lodi and Pavia.

The two maps will be distributed throughout the area in the municipal and tourist offices in charge. They describe the stretch of Pavia and Lodi of the Via Francigena Cultural Route of the Council of Europe: the text in Italian and English is accompanied by images representing historic and cultural heritage and by a scale map of the Via Francigena. The map indicates a walking and cycling route, a possible variant and stages, relative distance expressed in km, height difference and places of interest. The map of the province of Lodi also indicates the crossing of the river Po, connection to the Emilia-Romagna region and the ferry telephone number.

The maps also provide information on the official credential, contact details of the European Association of the Via Francigena Ways (EAVF), inviting you to download the trail tracks and the official smartphone app from the site

The production of the maps is part of the action plan envisaged by the EAVF project, winner of the Lombardy tender for promotion of Lombard UNESCO sites and Cultural Routes. Among the communication activities of the project, in addition to the new graphics of the Lombardy Region subsite within the official webportal, a special editorial of the magazine “Via Francigena and the European Cultural Routes” was dedicated to Lombardy. The review will be printed and distributed throughout the region.

The EAVF project also includes work for the Framework study for the candidacy of the Via Francigena to the UNESCO World Heritage List. The European route passing through the region, closely concerns Lombardy, which is an active partner of the candidacy procedure since 2015. The technical work carried out by the EAVF, with support of the Italian Regions, has already allowed the inclusion of the candidacy within the Italian Tentative list on 24 January 2019.

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