Working session at the European Institute of Cultural Routes for the Via Francigena Ways - Via Francigena

Via Francigena

Working session at the European Institute of Cultural Routes for the Via Francigena Ways

Picture of Redazione AEVF
Redazione AEVF

Two important meetings took place on Friday 18 March at the European Institute of Cultural Route (EICR) in Luxembourg. This working sessions were focused on the extension of the certification of the Via Francigena in the South and the cooperation between European Francigena and Romea Ways.

Via Francigena in the South. The Abbey of Neumunster hosted the meeting attended by Stefano Dominioni, Director of the EICR and Executive Secretary of the EPCultural Routes, Eleonora Berti, EICR Project Coordinator Istituto Europeo Itinerari Culturali di Lussemburgo, Massimo Tedeschi, EAVF President, Luca Bruschi, EAVF Director and the Italian Ambassador in Luxembourg Stefano Maria Cacciaguerra Ranghieri. During the meeting  the CoE triennial evaluation report about the European activities on the Via Francigena was analysed. In particularly, the extension of the certification of the Via Francigena CoE Cultural Routes in the South was discussed, The final decision will be taken by the General Assembly of the AEVF (composed by 103 European Members) planned on 30 April 2016 in Fidenza.

Romea and Francigena Ways. This second meeting was also attended by the representatives of the Via Romea Ways: Flavio  Foietta and Rodolfo Valentini (Via Romea Germanica), don Raimondo Sinibaldi and Luisa Dal Prà  (Pilgrimage Office in Vicenza, Via Romea di Stade) and Barbara Zechis, Ministry of Culture in Luxembourg. The aim of this cooperation is to reinforce the European pilgrimage network (Francigena and Romea Ways) starting from the experience and know-how gained by the EAVF, carrier network of the Via Francigena